Monday, November 30, 2009

WORD OF THE DAY - Monday 30 November 2009

For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, says the LORD. (Isaiah 55:8)

Мои мысли--не ваши мысли, ни ваши пути--пути Мои, говорит Господь. (Исаия 55:8 Russian Synodal Version)

Blessed and Only God, our Dear Father in Heaven ~ Hear us when we call out to you on this new day that arrives with spectacular provisions from your never-ending kindness. Bestow upon us your infinite wisdom as we study and obey Christ so that we will engage ourselves with thoughts and things that are forever essential. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.

Yesterday we had ten people in attendance for worship. Prior to our meeting, Yuri and his wife Sveta who live in a small town near Nikolaev spent some time visiting with us. Galina gave Sveta some more literature to help them grow in their understanding of the scriptures. Afolabi led the singing, and Akinrinde presided at the Lord's Supper. We presented new Bibles to those who were recently baptized. In the afternoon, we had an appointment with Vladislav (Vlad) who wants to begin studying English with us using the Bible. He is a very personable young man who works as an insurance broker. We went through the WEI introductory material and made an appointment for Tuesday afternoon. He went home proudly carrying a New Testament, his first English lessons and some information about salvation. We are very thankful for your prayers about our evangelistic work in the Ukraine harvest field of the Lord.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

WORD OF THE DAY - Sunday 29 November 2009

This is love for God: to obey his commands. And his commands are not burdensome. (1 John 5:3 NIV)

Ибо это есть любовь к Богу, чтобы мы соблюдали заповеди Его; и заповеди Его нетяжки. (1-e Иоанна 5:3 Russian)

Most Kind and Loving God, our Dear Father in Heaven ~ We bring our praise into your presence on this new Lord’s Day. Help Christians who must assemble secretly out of fear from repressive authorities, not to lose their courage as they obey Christ. Give us wisdom so that we will more fully grasp that the commands of our Lord are what is best for us as we grow in the love of Jesus our Savior and our new life in Him. In Christ name we pray, Amen.

Yesterday - Saturday we had an appointment with our first student in the English classes structured on the WEI lesson plan. Dima came with the material in his hand and asked to withdraw before he even got started. He was polite enough to come visit us and return the materials we had given him. He said that he has new assignments at work and will not be able to do this. We hope that he will stay in touch with us and study the Bible. We had to reschedule our other appointment for later today. Since it was a beautiful late autumn day, we decided to walk down to the Центральный рынок Central Market that is sort of on the way back to where we live. Galina says it is out of the way, but I like to take shortcuts through the alleys behind all the apartments and other buildings. We are always amazed at the abundance of fresh products and now we have the local growers offering some herbs and other items they grow in their hot houses. I was attracted to some eggplant stuffed with spicy cabbage that resembled something Galina’s mother makes. We bought lots of fresh fruits and vegetables and came home and had a late Thanksgiving feast. The walk back to our apartment building takes about 15 minutes, and we always go past the beautiful central park for children. Some children were riding a small train and shouting “stop at Nikolaev”! Thank you for your many prayers and kind words. Now we prepare for our Lord’s Day worship and hope for a surprise visitor or two.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

WORD OF THE DAY - Saturday 28 November 2009

I have told you this so that my joy might be in you and that your joy might be complete. (John 15:11)

Сие сказал Я вам, да радость Моя в вас пребудет и радость ваша будет совершенна. (От Иоанна 15:11 Russian)
Glorious and Mighty God, our Heavenly Father ~ Thank you for the unspeakable joy that is ours to enjoy on this new day as we allow Christ to live in us to the fullest extent. Give us greater insight into how we may overcome the tendency to allow external circumstances to dictate our daily attitude when we have the perfect source of true joy living in our hearts. Help us to persist in discovering the true joy of Christ. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.
Today (Saturday) we have two appointments in the afternoon. Yesterday while Galina was encumbered with a difficult translation job for one of our Nigerian students relating to his contract, we received a phone call from another young man who has seen our advertisements about English classes. We made an appointment with Vlad this afternoon after we finish our first class with our new student Dima. We are hopeful that both or at least one of these men will complete this study of the Bible. They both understand that we are studying English using the Bible and they are very interested.

Friday, November 27, 2009

WORD OF THE DAY - Friday 27 November 2009

But set apart Christ as Lord in your hearts. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to explain the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect. (1 Peter 3:15)

Господа Бога святите в сердцах ваших; будьте всегда готовы всякому, требующему у вас отчета в вашем уповании, дать ответ с кротостью и благоговением. (1-e Петра 3:15 Russian)

Our Father in Heaven, Hallowed is Your Name ~ we lack proper words to express our gratitude and joyful excitement that we experience when we consider how blessed we are on this new day. Thank you Lord for our new life in Christ! Help all believers to be constantly prepared to help a new seeker find the Way of salvation. Give us more wisdom so that we will be patient and kind even when we are being ridiculed because of our faith. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

WORD OF THE DAY - Thanksgiving day 2009

May God be gracious to us and bless us and make his face shine upon us, Selah that your ways may be known on earth, your salvation among all nations. For the director of music. With stringed instruments. A psalm. A song. (Psalm 67:1-2 NIV)

Боже! будь милостив к нам и благослови нас, освети нас лицем Твоим, дабы познали на земле путь Твой, во всех народах спасение Твое. ^^Начальнику хора. На струнных [орудиях]. Псалом. Песнь.^^ (Псалтирь 67:1-2 Russian 66:1-3)

Gracious and Kind Father in Heaven ~ As we embrace this new day with overflowing thanksgiving for all your kindness, give us wisdom to comprehend the vastness of your generosity to all people. Give us more courage so that we will make a strong and public stance for Jesus Christ our Savior and King so that people in all nations will be motivated to have faith in our glorious and highly exalted Lord and Christ. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.

Lyudmila confessed her faith in Jesus Christ as the Son of God yesterday and was baptized at our apartment. We rejoice with Luda and the angels of heaven! We have been studying with her since she began to attend our meetings back in August. We had asked Alexander Prokopchuk who preaches on the nationally televised Gospel broadcast each Sunday morning from Donetsk, to invite people to our meetings who live in Nikolaev and have responded to his effective messages. Alexander's work is largely supported by the North Atlanta Church of Christ that is also one of our partners in the Magadan work. Alexander's staff sent out 77 letters to people in the Nikolaev region and Luda came two days after she received the letter and has hardly missed a single meeting. In addition, she usually brings a neighbor and friend Stepan. She has also brought other people to our meetings. Now, she is determined to bring more people to the Lord. We pray for the spiritual growth of these new Christians and ask you to pray for them also that they may continue to hunger and thirst for righteousness.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

WORD OF THE DAY - Wednesday 25 November 2009

I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, because it is the power of God to salvation to everyone that believes, to the Jew first, and also to the Greek. For in it is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, “The just shall live by faith.” (Romans 1:16-17)

Ибо я не стыжусь благовествования Христова, потому что оно есть сила Божия ко спасению всякому верующему, во-первых, Иудею, потом и Еллину. В нем открывается правда Божия от веры в веру, как написано: праведный верою жив будет. (К Римлянам 1:16-17 Russian)

Dear God, our Most Kind and Generous Heavenly Father ~ Thank you on this new day for the spiritual and material provisions we receive from the astounding treasure of your faithful love. Grant us a portion of your unfathomable wisdom so that we will more fully comprehend the power contained in the gospel message that offers freedom from sin when we respond by faith. Give all believers a renewed trust in the power of the truth. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.

We had the opportunity to sing "O Happy Day - when Jesus washed my sins away" yesterday around noon when Victor Afolabi confessed his faith in Jesus Christ and was baptized into Christ. We first met Afolabi when we made our scouting trip to Nikolaev in May. He was in attendance at our first meeting and has since brought many other people to our various assemblies. He brought his roommate Moses Akinrinde who was baptized in May. Both of these young men are students at the local maritime university. They will soon graduate and hope to have careers as officers aboard merchant ships. We have grown to love these young men as our own, because of their love of God's word, their kind and faithful attitude in all circumstances. They call us Mom and Dad and share their joys and sorrows. Victor tells that he hopes to be able to return to Nikolaev and help the church after he goes home to Lagos and works to pay some student debts. These two brothers always find a way to our meetings in spite of the very long distance that they must walk. There is public transportation available, but that is not in their budget so they walk from their dorms to the port early very each morning, then back to the dorm and university campus, then walk to our meetings at 6.00 each night and Sunday worship services. Talks about encouragers, these men are the best! When we came to Nikolaev, we had no idea what blessings God had in store for us. Now, we are preparing for another possible baptism this morning. We will have more later on that we hope. Thank you for the many prayers and words of encouragement.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

WORD OF THE DAY - Tuesday 24 November 2009

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things are passed away; behold, all things have become new. (2 Corinthians 5:17)

Итак, кто во Христе, тот новая тварь; древнее прошло, теперь все новое. (2-е Коринфянам 5:17 Russian)

Glorious and Almighty God, our Dear Father in Heaven ~ Thank you for the immense blessings provided by your providential care on this new day. Give all Christians – in particular the new babes in Christ, the wisdom and courage we all need in order to realize the magnitude of our salvation that was made possible by that spectacular act of love at Golgotha long ago. Help us to talk and walk as the new people we are because of our obedience to the Gospel message. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.

Yesterday (Monday) we had some time to make an effort at getting caught up on some office details that have been going without attention for a couple of weeks. While we were involved in this we noticed a woman peep in the door of our office/meeting place. Then, she decided to walk on by, but chose to turn around and come in to speak with us. Tatyana is a book sales agent and she showed us many beautiful books published in Moscow. We bought one small Ukrainian cook book (as if Galina needed recipes) and had a little visit with her. We gave her some of our literature and had a nice visit. We hope to meet again. We were able to appoint Saturday afternoon as a meeting time with Dima, our first English student. After others went home following our Bible study last night, Luda and Stepan wanted to stay around for some individual attention. They shared some of their concerns and we were able to answer their questions. All the people who regularly attend our meetings are very serious about knowing the truth that makes men free. This morning we are making preparations for another baptism at 11.00. Galina reminded me last night that someone needs to wash towels, clean house and prepare everything. She does so much to help with the work of spreading God's love! We finally went to sleep with joy in our hearts over these who are coming to Christ. Thank you for your prayers.

Monday, November 23, 2009

WORD OF THE DAY - Monday 23 November 2009

Grace be with all who love our Lord Jesus Christ with undying love. (Ephesians 6:24)

Благодать со всеми, кто бесконечно любит нашего Господа Иисуса Христа. (К Ефесянам 6:24 Russian SZ)

Most Honorable and Holy God, our Father in Heaven ~ Thank you from the depths of our hearts for your undying love toward us. Give us more capacity to love others that Christ also loves, so that we will be able to more fully love our Savior. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.

Yesterday was another wonderful Lord's Day with 8 souls gathered for worship. Since it was 10 degrees C, we had no steam heat again and nearly everyone compensated by keeping their coats on the entire time. We shared the last of our little bottles of hand sanitizer. We will be scouting around for more today. After the worship service, everyone was mingling around talking so we sat down and had some tea and coffee. While we were talking together, the phone rang and we had our first response to our advertisements for our English classes. We made an appointment with Dima at 3.00 yesterday afternoon for a get acquainted session. This bright young man came by and had many good questions about faith and the Bible. This was encouraging because at first we thought he was only interested in English. I made certain that he understands that we will be studying English using the Bible. He seemed pleased about that. We have a problem with his time that we will try and work out. He is working in construction projects while trying to improve his chances for a better job abroad. He doesn't get off work until 6.00. Dima said he can only come to a class with us around 7.30 or 8.00 at night. This is not suitable since our regular group meets each night at 6.00. We usually have questions and discussions until 7.30 and sometimes 8.00. We have another meeting set up and will offer him the option to meet with us on Saturday and Sunday afternoons. We hope this will work out. Thank you for the prayers!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

WORD OF THE DAY - Sunday 22 November 2009

And every one who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or lands for my name’s sake, will receive a hundred times more and will inherit eternal life. (Matthew 19:29)

И всякий, кто оставил дома, или братьев, или сестер, или отца, или мать, или детей, или земли ради Меня, получит во сто крат больше и станет наследником вечной жизни. (От Матфея 19:29 Russian SZ)

Almighty God, our Most Holy and Merciful Father in Heaven ~ Thank you for the refreshing gift of life on this Lord’s Day. Bless all believers around the world with a new sense of what it means to enjoy living for Christ. Give us the courage and wisdom we need in order to plan our schedule so that we are able to deny ourselves some personal whim and assemble with other Christians. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.

Yesterday after a period of Bible study at the church office, a small group went to our apartment for Zhenya's baptism. We have not been able to secure a public pool for this purpose and the water in the bay/river is too chilly. We rejoice with the angels of heaven over Evgenia's commitment to obey the Gospel and follow Jesus Christ as Lord. Following her baptism into Christ we had some singing, prayers and a period of fellowship. Thank you for the prayers for Evgenia and this work for Jesus Christ.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

WORD OF THE DAY - Saturday 21 November 2009

Let no foul language come out of your mouth, but only what is good for edifying others, that it may give grace to those who hear. (Ephesians 4:29)

Не произносите никаких дурных слов, говорите лишь полезное для необходимого назидания, чтобы это приносило благодать слушающим. (К Ефесянам 4:29 Russian SZ)

All Powerful and Merciful God, our Dear Father in Heaven ~ Thank you for bringing us to participate in the events of this new day. Give us greater self-control so that we will not resort to outburst of offensive words; rather help us to cultivate the habit of using speech that is truly helpful to those who listen to us. In Christ name we pray, Amen.

We are still having mostly pleasant autumn weather with temperatures in the 30's and 40's. Nevertheless, Galina insists that I zip up my coat when we are walking around the city. We continue to place advertisements for our English classes in places where people walk or wait for transportation. We are constantly trying new methods of meeting new people who might be interested in God's wonderful plan for every person in this world. Thank you for your prayers.

Friday, November 20, 2009

WORD OF THE DAY - 20 November 2009

That they should seek the Lord, if maybe they might feel after him and find him, though he is not far from every one of us. (Acts 17:27)

дабы они искали Бога, не ощутят ли Его и не найдут ли, хотя Он и недалеко от каждого из нас: (Деяния 17:27 Russian)

Most Holy God, Giver of life and Creator of everything that exists ~ Thank you for this new day that brings fresh opportunities for us to discover your very near presence. Help us to have stronger faith as we learn more about Christ and obey His teaching and perfect example. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

WORD OF THE DAY - Thursday 19 November 2009

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. (Philippians 4:8 NIV)

Наконец, братия мои, что только истинно, что честно, что справедливо, что чисто, что любезно, что достославно, что только добродетель и похвала, о том помышляйте. (К Филиппийцам 4:8 Russian)

Our Dear Heavenly Father ~ We come before you on this new day with hearts full of praise for the careful manner in which you provide for our every need. Give us wisdom as we reject the negative thinking of the world and focus our thoughts upon the beautiful gems that are revealed in your precious Word. As we get our heads straightened out, help us to behave with the goodness that becomes those who imitate Christ. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.

Yesterday morning when we arrived at the House for Babies, we saw the now familiar "Quarantined" sign on the front door. The director was out of town and the chief doctor came to greet us and explained more about their current situation. They rely upon donations from adoptive families for all their basic needs required in order to keep the institution operating. A few children are adopted locally, but for the most part, the ones that get adopted are from people in other countries. Of course those parents usually (not always) are looking for a baby that is free of any flaws. They have children here who are suffering a malady of birth defects related to sexually transmitted diseases and drug and alcohol addiction from the parents. Sadly, this is true in most places in the world these days. In addition, they receive help from a benevolent organization in Switzerland. That organization is named for one girl that was adopted from this orphan's home. The girl required many surgeries that were provided by the loving parents who established the fund in her honor.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

WORD OF THE DAY - Wednesday 18 November 2009

Nevertheless, the foundation of God stands firm, having this seal, “The Lord knows them that are his, and let everyone that names the name of Christ depart from iniquity. (2 Timothy 2:19)

Но твердое основание, заложенное Богом, непоколебимо. На нем стоит печать с надписью: "Господь знает своих" и: "Каждый, кто исповедует имя Господа, должен отвратиться от зла". (2-е Тимофею 2:19 Russian SZ)

Most Holy and Righteous God, our Compassionate and Forgiving Father in Heaven ~ Thank you for the tremendous joy that we experience on this new due that bursts wide with rich blessings to sustain us and provide hope. Give us wisdom and courage so that believers everywhere will live righteously before this evil world and at all times gladly confess that the reason for our joy is the anticipation of meeting our Lord Jesus Christ who will make certain that we overcome and receive eternal life. In the blessed name of Christ we pray, Amen.
Yesterday, we were able to make contact by telephone with the House of Babies where we had previously taken a large quantity of fresh apples that we bought at a local market. The picture is from our first get acquainted visit. This is a state funded institution that cares for infants and babies up to age three. After that they are moved to another state home unless they are adopted. We learned that they are currently not able to wash their flannel diapers since their old equipment is temporarily broken and waiting on repairs. They said they had to dip into their emergency stash of disposable diapers that are reserved for sick babies. When we called, they were completely out and she was so happy that we called at just this time. We went shopping and found some special deals on enough disposable diapers to last them a few days. They now have 103 babies at this place. We got to see them in the summer and saw so many precious children who have been given up by their parents, or the state saw fit to deny parental rights to the birth parents. That is where we plan to be going later this morning. We are very thankful for your prayers and the opportunity to share God's love.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

WORD OF THE DAY - Tuesday 17 November 2009

That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being conformed to his death, if somehow, I may attain the resurrection from the dead. (Philippians 3:10)

чтобы познать Его, и силу воскресения Его, и участие в страданиях Его, сообразуясь смерти Его, чтобы достигнуть воскресения мертвых. (К Филиппийцам 3:10-11 Russian)

Almighty God, our Dear Heavenly Father ~ Thank you for the numerous blessings that come our way on this new day. Give us more of your perfect wisdom so that we will find new purpose for our lives by living for, and with Jesus even in the suffering and death that he endured for our perfection. Help us to discover your will as we live in obedience to Christ the Lord. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.

Monday morning we started out the day with a stop at the Post Office to mail some letters and check our mail. We normally receive a letter from our friend Charles in Montgomery every week. Last week was a dry run, so we were pleased to find another letter from him this week with some words of encouragement. He does not use e-mail, so this is his way to stay in touch with us. The old fashioned way is sometimes even more endearing. Of course we are very thankful that many of your write us e-mails often enough to keep us up to date on various events back home in the States. Galina was determined to cook me some of my favorite borsch in order to heal my bad cold, and this required some fresh ingredients. We went shopping at the central market (Центральный рынок) that is only a 10 minute walk from our apartment. It is always pleasant to see the plentiful fruits, vegetables and herbs that are available. Yes, we do have supermarkets here in Nikolaev - in fact several of them and even a place very much like Sam's or Costco. However, we have discovered that we can save money and enjoy more choices by visiting the various small vendors at the market. Besides, it is an opportunity to hand out invitations to our meetings. Also, when we go shopping at the large stores, we tend to fill up a shopping cart. But, when we are carrying everything we purchase in our hands, we tend to buy less. Not any type of advice, just a personal experience. It is such a great joy to be workers for the Lord here in this particular harvest field of Ukraine. We strongly desire to be with our brothers and sisters in Magadan, and God willing - we will make it there before the end of this year. At least that is our plan at this time.

Monday, November 16, 2009

WORD OF THE DAY - Monday 16 November 2009

If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. (1 John 1:9)

Mighty God, our Merciful Eternal Father in Heaven ~ Thank you for the revitalizing gift of life that brings healing to our bones on this new day. We are humbled as we consider how much we are loved even when we separate ourselves from your holiness by sinning. As we repent, we have nothing else to offer for our sins except our broken hearts and we beg your forgiveness as we forgive others who offend us. We are amazed at our wonderful salvation in Christ Jesus our Lord that heals and restores! In Him we pray, Amen.

We had eight for our worship service on Sunday. Everyone was in a great mood as we blended our voices in praise to our Lord. In case you wonder, we sing one verse of each song in English, and the rest of the verses in Russian language. I preach and teach in English and Galina translates to Russian. Occasionally, we will practice singing in Ukrainian. We had hopes for some visitors but are very thankful for our small group that is very faithful in attendance at nearly every meeting. We didn't have heat in the room, so after the service, we prepared some hot water for чай /tea and coffee with peanut butter that we found made here in Ukraine. Thank you for the prayers as we make plans to reach more people here in Nikolaev with the Gospel of Christ.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

WORD OF THE DAY - Sunday 15 November 2009

This is good and acceptable to God our Savior, who wants all men to be saved and to come to knowledge of the truth. (1 Timothy 2:3-4)

Это хорошо и приятно Богу, нашему Спасителю, ведь Он хочет, чтобы все люди были спасены и познали истину. (1-е Тимофею 2:3-4 Slovo Zhizny)

Most Holy and Worshipful God our Creator and Sustainer of life ~ Please accept our praise on this new Lord’s Day as the hearts and voices of believers around the world blend into one great chorus in honor of our blessed Savior. Forgive our sins as we obey Christ for salvation and forgive others who offend us. Give us wisdom so that the truth will penetrate our minds and draw us into closer communion with the Chief Shepherd of our souls. We pray in Jesus name, Amen.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

WORD OF THE DAY - Saturday 14 November 2009

A peaceful mind gives life to the body, but jealousy rots the bones. (Proverbs 14:30)

Кроткое сердце--жизнь для тела, а зависть--гниль для костей. (Притчи 14:30 Russian)

Most Kind and Beneficent God, our Dear Father in Heaven ~ Thank you for the pleasant surprises of new blessings on this fresh day. Fill our hearts with the spiritual blessings that we need in order to overcome the tendency to look at what others are accomplishing. Give us wisdom to be able to crystallize in our minds the fabulous opportunities sitting beneath our noses and within our grasp. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.

This advertisement we saw at an apteka - pharmacy here in Nikolaev caught our eye. The faculty members at the local pedagogical university are anxious for us to be able to return to their chair as soon as this quarantine is lifted. It is having a big impact on most public gatherings in this part of Ukraine and I suppose the entire country - especially in the western regions where the so-called 'California Flu' is the strongest. Thank you for the fervent prayers.

Friday, November 13, 2009

WORD OF THE DAY - Friday 13 November 2009

But the mercy of the LORD is from everlasting to everlasting on those that fear him, and his righteousness toward the children’s children of those who keep his covenant and remember to obey his commandments. (Psalm 103:17-18)

LORD God Almighty, our Dear Heavenly Father ~ Thank you for the mysterious and renewable gift of life that temporarily resides in our mortal bodies. Give us more of your infinite wisdom so that we will more completely comprehend the reign and rule of Christ in our hearts. Strengthen our faith as we keep the covenant with the true Light for all nations. Help us to share your plan with people who are lost and struggling to find their way in this dark world of sin. We pray in the name of Jesus Christ our Savior, Amen.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

WORD OF THE DAY - Thursday 12 November 2009

Suppose a brother or sister is destitute, without clothes and daily food. If one of you says to him, “Go, I wish you well; stay warm and eat well,” but does nothing about his bodily needs, what benefit is it?” (James 2:15-16)

Если брат или сестра наги и не имеют дневного пропитания, а кто-нибудь из вас скажет им: 'идите с миром, грейтесь и питайтесь', но не даст им потребного для тела: что пользы? (Иакова 2:15-16 Russian)

Almighty God, our Heavenly Father ~ Thank you for blessing us with enough food, shelter and clothing that we have some left over to share with our brothers and sisters and others in need. Give us discerning minds so that we will recognize situations where we can prove our faith by our deeds. We pray in Jesus name, Amen.

Last night was another rainy night in Ukraine. We have had three days in a row of cold rainy weather. Nevertheless, we had a great Bible study with the few who came out in spite of the weather. In Russian and Ukraine, influenza is colloquially referred to as грипп - gripp. It is pronounced as greep. Anyway, yesterday morning, I got gripped by the greep. It was a struggle to get through all our activities that included repairing my main pair of glasses and several walks around town looking for a place to buy a stamp to use with our books. Last night Galina prepared some boiled thighs and fed me some chicken broth. This morning I'm still foggy from something but feel much better than yesterday. We have so much to accomplish each day that we cannot afford to be sick. Well, I suppose that is true with everyone in the world. We are amazed at the way God gives us strength each day to almost finish what we have on our daily to-do list. Thank you for the prayers!