David B. & Natasha M. |
а язык укротить никто из людей не может:
это--неудержимое зло; он исполнен смертоносного яда. (Иакова 3:8 Russian)
та не може ніхто із людей язика вгамувати, він зло
безупинне, він повний отрути смертельної! (Яков 3:8 Ukrainian)
Most kind and dear loving Father in heaven ~ please accept
our sincere praise from our hearts and lips on this new day. Grant us at least
a small part of the wisdom of Christ so that we will remember that your Spirit
is living within us, and pause before uttering a harsh, unkind, vague or
misleading word that will surely bring much harm. Help us to be known for sound
speech that always leaves people we speak with the impression that we are doing
our best to follow Christ as Lord. We humbly pray in Jesus name, Amen.
Wednesday of this week was another busy
and enjoyable day in the Lord's service here in Nikolaev. We had another
productive Bible study with the young man who is seeking more knowledge of
God's word. After he and his wife left, our WEI Advance student Natalia M. came
for her study in the book New Life. She continues to grow in her understanding
of God's plan for all people through Jesus Christ the Son. In the early
evening, we had eight in attendance for our Wednesday Bible study. We also said
our temporary goodbyes to David Ciolkosz, our brother who is returning to
Tennessee today from Kiev. As we had a few minutes during the day, we studied
with our new brother Sergei. Thank you for your prayers and encouragement!
Galina B. translates as David C. leads prayer |
Galina, Natalia M., Natasha M., Sergei P., David C., Nastya M., Tatyana B. |
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