Thursday, September 17, 2009

WORD OF THE DAY - Thursday 17 September 2009

The LORD shall establish you as a holy people unto himself, as he has sworn to you, if you keep the commandments of the LORD your God, and walk in his ways. (Deuteronomy 28:9)

Поставит тебя Господь народом святым Своим, как Он клялся тебе, если ты будешь соблюдать заповеди Господа Бога твоего и будешь ходить путями Его. (Второзаконие 28:9 Russian Synodal Version)

All Wise and Merciful LORD God, our Father in Heaven ~ Thank you for the electrifying gift of life on this new day that arrives with even more challenges to share your love with those searching for the truth that sets men free from slavery to sin. Help leaders of nations that have a history of faith, to realize the solemn responsibility they have to allow and encourage the wide spread use of the Scriptures so that the people will turn to Christ for guidance and salvation. Make it possible for the people in other nations to learn about Christ even when their leaders stand opposed to the everlasting Church which is the glorious spiritual Kingdom of Christ and is not of this world. We pray in Jesus name, Amen.

Yesterday in the morning, we walked down the street for only ten minutes to the Nikolaev State Pedagogical University where we were greeted warmly by our friend Tatyana who is the head of the English Department. She took us to the room where I spent an hour and a half talking about American culture, education, and ethics and answering their questions about religion. This was our get acquainted session, and each week I am scheduled to be with this group at 09.40 each Wednesday morning. On Monday at 1.00, I am invited to address students who are studying in their third and fourth year at this university. Some are preparing to teach while others plan to be interpreters. I am allotted an hour and twenty minutes with each group, and there is no restriction to prevent me from teaching the Bible. At the outset of my talk yesterday, I showed the teachers a copy of the US Constitution that I carry around with me. I also showed them a nice medallion from the Montgomery Police Academy. I asked if anyone knew the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, and that whoever got the right answer would receive this medallion. During my talk, I made some references to some of the points in the first amendment to spark their memories. It seemed like no one knew. But, at the end, one young teacher in the back, said "is it Freedom of Religion"? That was a good enough answer to win the prize. They all had fun with that. Bryan Jurkofsky is a member of the Dalraida Church of Christ who also happens to be a captain in the Montgomery Police force. Part of Bryan's responsibilities is recruiting new officers and overseeing their training. He gave me a few of those medallions to present to some people here in Ukraine. We are so very grateful to all of you who regularly offer prayers to God for this work. Last night we had another visitor at our Wednesday night meeting. We are hoping he will return tonight. His name is Peter. He came as a guest of Luda and stated that he wanted to hear the gospel preached. He heard it. On one of our walks up to the place where the church meets, we noticed an old tree that looked like it was trying to say something. Any clues?

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