Дети мои, я пишу вам, чтобы вы не согрешали. Но если кто из вас и согрешит, то помните, что у нас есть Праведник Иисус Христос, который выступает перед Отцом в нашу защиту. Он - искупительная жертва за наши грехи, и не только за наши, но и за грехи всего мира. (1-e Иоанна 2:1-2 Russian SZ)
Most Holy and Righteous God, our Dear Heavenly Father ~ Thank you for the remarkable gift of life on this new day. Help us to be able to put up a strong defense when we are tempted to sin so that we will consistently bring honor to our Savior. Lead us to people who do not know that everyone in the world, even those drowning in the sorrow and guilt of many sins, have the possibility of a brand new beginning as one of your forgiven children if they believe and obey Jesus Christ as Lord. Forgive us of our sins as we rely upon the sacrifice that Christ made and forgive others who have offended us. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.
This is a view of Lenin Street from our 4th floor apartment yesterday morning. Our first snow of the season here in Nikolaev turned out to be a light dusting of mostly wet snow. Our lone English student - Vlad had to go out of town on a business trip so he canceled his appointment with us yesterday. However, we expect him to keep up with his work since he shows so much enthusiasm for the lessons. Today we hope to have our second individual Bible study with Nikolai. Thank you for the many prayers.
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