David Binkley and his wife Galina Binkley provide news about their Christian mission work in Ukraine and Russia. Valuable information about the people and culture of these great countries. Also included is a daily devotional message from the Bible: WORD OF THE DAY.
Sunday, February 28, 2010
WORD OF THE DAY - Sunday 28 February 2010
если только пребываете тверды и непоколебимы в вере и не отпадаете от надежды благовествования, которое вы слышали, которое возвещено всей твари поднебесной, которого я, Павел, сделался служителем. (К Колоссянам 1:23 Russian)
Якщо тільки пробуваєте в вірі тверді та сталі, і не відпадаєте від надії Євангелії, що ви чули її, яка проповідана всьому створінню під небом, якій я, Павло, став служителем. (Колосяни 1:23 Ukrainian)
Most Holy God, our Dear Father in Heaven ~ Thank you for the marvelous gift of life on this new Lord’s Day that brings more opportunities for Christians all over the world to assemble for the purpose of lifting high the name of Jesus our Redeemer. Give us wisdom as we learn more about Christ by obeying his commands. Grant us renewed confidence in the power of the gospel message and open our hearts to the urgency for all people in our lifetime to hear about your wonderful plan of salvation through obedient faith in Jesus Christ who gave his own life that we might be saved. Fill us with boldness as we follow the example of the apostles and the first century Christians in doing everything necessary to tell others about our joyous hope. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.
Saturday, February 27, 2010
WORD OF THE DAY - 27 February 2010
Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will direct your paths. (Proverbs 3:5-6)
Надейся на Господа всем сердцем твоим, и не полагайся на разум твой. Во всех путях твоих познавай Его, и Он направит стези твои. (Притчи 3:5-6 Russian)
Надійся на Господа всім своїм серцем, а на розум свій не покладайся! Пізнавай ти Його на всіх дорогах своїх, і Він випростує твої стежки. (Притчи 3:5-6 Ukrainian)
Almighty God, our Dear Heavenly Father ~ Thank you for the incomparable blessings that burst upon us by your love on this new day of life here on earth. Give us more of your wisdom and stronger faith as we meditate on your word so that false pride will not come from our lips. Help us to always humbly acknowledge You as the absolute source of our faith when we have opportunity. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.
Photo: Galine is with our dear sisters Olga and Raisa who are always a strong source of encouragement to the church in Inta, Russia. They made Galina and I feel welcome each day. This city lies north of Syktyvkar toward Vorkuta in the Komi Republic on the West of the Ural mountain range. The city and the church have been going through a period of decline because some coalmines permanently closed. This forced many people to relocate. Many people have been fortunate to find new jobs. However, some men must travel to remote regions of the north and be gone from their families and the church for long periods. We are rejoicing with the Inta congregation as they work on plans to be more evangelistic in their city. Pray with them and us as we make our plans to visit with them following some work in Nikolaev and Magadan. Upon consulting your map, you may notice that none of these cities happen to be "in the neighborhood" of each other. Nevertheless, with God's help we plan to make these long journeys and give and receive the blessings of love that come from being with your spiritual family. Today, we travel up to Smyrna, Tennessee where I am scheduled to speak tomorrow at the Old Jefferson Church of Christ that is one of our dear partners. This is the church where we met a couple who was visiting that church the last time we were there telling about our work with orphans in Magadan, and low in behold - they had adopted two children from this orphanage and we had pictures of ourselves with their dear children before they met them at the orphan's home. It was a very special day and a very beautiful coincidence provided by God. We had a wonderful visit with our new “daughter” Marina who is studying here at Faulkner University.
Friday, February 26, 2010
WORD OF THE DAY - 26 February 2010
Be diligent to present yourself approved before God, a workman who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth. (2 Timothy 2:15)
Старайся представить себя Богу достойным, делателем неукоризненным, верно преподающим слово истины. (2-е Тимофею 2:15 Russian)
Силкуйся поставити себе перед Богом гідним, працівником бездоганним, що вірно навчає науки правди. (2 Тимотей 2:15 Ukrainian)
Dear Lord God Almighty, our Heavenly Father ~ Thank you for the splendid gift of life on this new day that shines with proof that faith in our powerful and invisible God is vindicated. Grant us your wisdom as we study and obey the valuable teaching about salvation in Christ and eternal life that we receive in your holy scriptures. Help us not to become complacent or indifferent toward this magnificent book we call the Bible. When we teach others about salvation, give us humility so that they will learn all the truth necessary to obtain forgiveness of sins. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.
Thursday, February 25, 2010
WORD OF THE DAY - 25 February 2010
давайте, и дастся вам: мерою доброю, утрясенною, нагнетенною и переполненною отсыплют вам в лоно ваше; ибо, какою мерою мерите, такою же отмерится и вам. (От Луки 6:38 Russian)
Давайте і дадуть вам; мірою доброю, натоптаною, струснутою й переповненою вам у подолок дадуть. Бо якою ви мірою міряєте, такою відміряють вам. (Лука 6:38 Ukrainian)
Most Holy God, our Dear Heavenly Father ~ Thank you for this new day that dawns with fresh hopes. Give us wisdom and strong faith in your promises as we give generously of what we have so freely received from your great liberality. As we consider the expensive price of our forgiveness, help us to freely grant forgiveness to others who have harmed us. Give us opportunities and courage to be openhanded in the way we give to the work of spreading the Gospel around the world. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.
Photo: Yesterday afternoon, we had the joyful opportunity to meet with dear friends Bob and Jan Towell. They reside in Texas, but were passing through Montgomery on their way from Destin, Florida where they met with some WEI teachers, and on to Hanceville, Alabama to visit some more teachers and prospective new teachers. We stay in touch with them almost daily via e-mail, but we have not visited with one another in ten years. These two people are responsible for the vast amount of work that is going on with the World English Institute's internet program. Jan stays busy assigning teachers for the thousands of responses that keep coming in from around the world. Bob is involved with all the nuts and bolts of what it takes to keep such a complicated web site up and running. The web site was designed by their grandson Jonathan who also helps with this work for the Lord. We learned during our visit how they are now using Google's search engine capability to drive traffic to their site. This is a paid service, which depends on funding. The responses from this are tremendous, and this means there is a constant need for qualified teachers to help people learn about God's plan of salvation while studying the English language. If you think that you have what it takes to help someone learn English and at the same time learn how to become a faithful Christian, please immediately contact Bob or Jan Towell at jrtowell@aol.com or Dick Ady at weiady@aol.com or Tom Langley at weimaryville@aol.com .
By the way, don't forget that we are using these good lessons to teach people English using the Bible in Nikolaev, Ukraine. Thank you very much for your prayers.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
WORD OF THE DAY - Wednesday 24 February 2010
Любящие Господа, ненавидьте зло! Он хранит души святых Своих; из руки нечестивых избавляет их. (Псалтирь 96:10 Russian)
Хто Господа любить, ненавидьте зло! Хто рятує душі святих Своїх, Той визволить їх із руки несправедливих. (Псалми 97:10 Ukrainian)
Almighty God, our Most Kind Father in Heaven ~ Thank you for the gift of life and another day to bask in the sunshine of your matchless love. Father we love you because you are love and you showed this love by sacrificing your One and Only Son on the cross for our sins so that we can live with you forever. Give us wisdom so that we will always be aware that right and wrong do not go together. Give us courage to stand for good and against evil in all its forms. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.
This photo shows the "Palace of Culture" where the church meets in Nikolaev, Ukraine. Recently the church has been gathering on Wednesday nights at the home of our sister Lyudmila. This is more convenient for the small group during the winter when it is very difficult to walk around the town after dark. It was very difficult for us to leave them for this trip to the USA, but our confidence in the depth and sincerity of their faith has been proven. Thank you for prayers for this new congregation in this important city of Ukraine.
WORD OF THE DAY - Tuesday 23 February 2010
прежде нежели Я образовал тебя во чреве, Я познал тебя, и прежде нежели ты вышел из утробы, Я освятил тебя: пророком для народов поставил тебя. (Иеремия 1:5 Russian)
Ще поки тебе вформував в утробі матерній, Я пізнав був тебе, і ще поки ти вийшов із нутра, тебе посвятив, дав тебе за пророка народам! (Eремия 1:5 Ukrainian)
Dear God, our Merciful Father in Heaven ~ Thank you for this new day and the precious gift of life that we received from your unfathomable creative power. Give us wisdom as we study and obey your word so that we will cherish and honor every human life even while that person resides in their mother’s womb. Help us to show the highest respect to all people on the earth because of your marvelous plan for each life. We pray in Jesus name, Amen.
Photo: The building where the Nikolaev Church of Christ meets is situated in a beautiful park. Following one recent snowfall, children quickly did what kids everywhere do - they began to have snow ball fights and try their hand at making a snowman. These Ukrainian children are the same as kids all over the world. They laugh and cry and have dreams of a better world. The positive message of the Gospel brings hope where there is despair. This new congregation is already a strong influence to bring hope to many kids. Thank you for your prayers for our work to help evangelize Ukraine and Russia.
Monday, February 22, 2010
WORD OF THE DAY - 22 February 2010
Сокрытое принадлежит Господу Богу нашему, а открытое--нам и сынам нашим до века, чтобы мы исполняли все слова закона сего. (Второзаконие 29:29 Russian)
Закрите те, що є Господа, Бога нашого, а відкрите наше та наших синів аж навіки, щоб виконувати всі слова цього Закону. (Второзаконие 29:29 (29-28 Ukrainian Bible)
Most Holy and Sovereign LORD God, our Dear Heavenly Father ~ Thank you for the gift of life that radiates with powerful evidence of your presence in this world of skeptics. Give us stronger faith in your plan of salvation for all humanity, and wisdom as we study the scriptures and obey the written Doctrine of Christ. Forgive us for the times when we have wrangled over secret things that have not been revealed to man. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.
Photo: Yesterday we met a new friend in Christ from Ukraine who is studying at Faulkner University. Marina went to lunch with us and when we took her home, she showed us her nice apartment where she lives on the campus. She is from the Donetsk region of Ukraine. We want to spend as much time as possible with her until we leave next month if all works as we plan. Perhaps there is a way that she can help us teach children and young people in Ukraine about Jesus Christ. It was wonderful to give a report to the Dalraida church last night about our activities over the past 7 months. Thank you for the prayers.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
WORD OF THE DAY - Sunday 21 February 2010
Верно и всякого принятия достойно слово, что Христос Иисус пришел в мир спасти грешников, из которых я первый. (1-е Тимофею 1:15 Russian)
Вірне це слово, і гідне всякого прийняття, що Христос Ісус прийшов у світ спасти грішних, із яких перший то я. (1 Тимотей 1:15 Ukrainian)
Almighty God, our Glorious and Merciful Father in Heaven ~ Thank you for the gift of life on this new Lord’s Day. Bless all believers who assemble in sweet communion to remember the death, burial and resurrection of Christ that gives us hope for our own resurrection to eternal life. We are filled with gratitude as we think about the loving sacrifice that Jesus made on the cross so that we can receive forgiveness of sins. Help us to overcome any smugness, false pride or self-righteousness and adopt the attitude of our beloved apostle Paul regarding ourselves as the main sinner in need of your grace. Give us wisdom so that we will be able to communicate your message of love and hope to this lost world. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.
Photo: Our brother Nikolai Thor leads the Nikolaev church in worship. Following his conversion to Christ he began to realize that he should use his life's experiences as an educator in Ukraine for the glory of God. We long to be back with them and to continue our work of reaching lost souls in this great city. We are still waiting on Galina's visa and we have some more visiting to do before our planned departure of 20 March. Today at 5.00 PM, I am scheduled to make a presentation about our Gospel mission work at the Dalraida Church of Christ here in Montgomery, Alabama.
Saturday, February 20, 2010
WORD OF THE DAY - 20 February 2010
Плод праведника--древо жизни, и мудрый привлекает души. (Притчи 11:30 Russian)
Плід праведного дерево життя, і мудрий життя набуває. (Притчи 11:30 Ukrainian)
Lord God, the Source of all life and our Dear Heavenly Father ~ Thank you for considering us as worthy of your love on this new day even though our thoughts and actions often show that we do not fully comprehend righteousness. Give us wisdom as we reflect upon the scriptures and follow Christ, so that our manner of life will become a source of hope to souls that are lost and without hope. In the name of Christ Jesus we pray, Amen.
Photo: We spent some time yesterday with old friends in Christ who knew us in Marietta, Georgia and now live in the Montgomery, Alabama area. Ken and Linda Dunham invited us to have lunch with them at a little Mexican restaurant that is across the street from Faulkner University where Ken works with the school of law. We had a great time hearing about their lives since we last saw them about ten years ago. They were very interested in hearing about our work in Ukraine and Russia. Moreover, they spoke about the possibility of visiting with us in Ukraine sometime in the future. Thank you for the prayers for us and for the Christians in the former Soviet Union.
Friday, February 19, 2010
WORD OF THE DAY - 19 February 2010
Когда Иисус кончил говорить, народ был в изумлении от Его учения, потому что Он учил их как имеющий власть, а не как обычные учителя закона. (От Матфея 7:28-29 Russian SZ)
І ото, як Ісус закінчив ці слова, то народ дивувався з науки Його. Бо навчав Він їх, як можновладний, а не як ті книжники їхні. (Матей 7:28-29 Ukrainian)
Almighty God, our Dear Father in Heaven ~ Thank you for the gift of life on this new day that sparkles with more proof of your active presence in our daily affairs. Give us wisdom as we study and obey the perfect teachings of Christ and the Holy Spirit inspired writings of the apostles and prophets. Bless believers around the world as we strive to exalt our Monarch – the resurrected Lord Jesus Christ. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.
Photo: When we are in the USA, I used to visit the cemetery alone until Galina insisted that we buy flower arrangements and put on Martha's grave and remember the great sacrifices she made as a missionary by teaching many children in public schools of Khabarovsk, Russia the Way of the Lord and her encouragement to the new Christians by her sincere love and faith. It is hard to realize how much time has passed and the grandson that she held in her arms as a baby is scheduled to graduate from High School this year.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
WORD OF THE DAY - 18 February 2010
Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom, and as you sing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs with gratitude in your hearts to God. (Colossians 3:16 NIV)
Слово Христово да вселяется в вас обильно, со всякою премудростью; научайте и вразумляйте друг друга псалмами, славословием и духовными песнями, во благодати воспевая в сердцах ваших Господу. (К Колоссянам 3:16 Russian)
Слово Христове нехай пробуває в вас рясно, у всякій премудрості. Навчайте та напоумляйте самих себе! Вдячно співайте у ваших серцях Господеві псалми, гімни, духовні пісні! (Колосяни 3:16 Ukrainian)
Our Dear Heavenly Father ~ Thank you for showering us with so many amazing blessings on this new day. Fill our minds with the mighty words of Christ as we study and teach one another. Hear our songs of praise and thankfulness when we sing from the depths of our heart. Help all Christians around the world to realize the dynamic power of singing as an act of worship that will teach and encourage those who are weak in the faith. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.
Photo: In January 2009, we spent most of that month with the Inta Church of Christ in the Komi Republic of Russia. Inta is situated in the far north of Russia along the Western side the Ural Mountain range. The church there began to exist in 1992 when a group of workers visited the city and hundreds of people turned out to hear the Gospel and many received their first Bible. The city thrived through the Soviet years as a coal-mining center. In the past couple of decades, there has been a dramatic decline in the city’s population. Many citizens have moved away seeking employment in other areas of Russia. That includes some of the people who made up the church that began there by the preaching of the Gospel of Christ. It is good that some of these people took their faith with them and helped churches in other cities. However, it is sad for the few Christians who remain in Inta that they are so few in number. Our hearts are joyful that our brother Ruslan who has been a member there for several years is determined to help bring about some evangelistic work in the city. He has invited us to come and help them in this endeavor. God willing, we plan to visit Inta in 2010 and help them win some souls for Christ and build up this struggling church. This will have to be after a period of helping the young church in Nikolaev and a visit with the church in Magadan. Thank you for the prayers.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
WORD OF THE DAY - 17 February 2010
Ты же, человек Божий, убегай сего, а преуспевай в правде, благочестии, вере, любви, терпении, кротости. (1-е Тимофею 6:11 Russian)
Але ти, о Божа людино, утікай від такого, а женися за правдою, благочестям, вірою, любов'ю, терпеливістю, лагідністю! (1 Тимотей 6:11 Ukrainian)
Eternal God, our Dear Heavenly Father ~ Thank you for this new day on which we once again realize how blessed we are to be your children because all life comes from you and because we have been born again into your spiritual family – the church. Open the minds of those who insist upon remaining outside of a covenant relationship with Christ our Savior and King. Give them courage to trust and obey Christ for salvation. Help us to overcome the obstacles and temptations that confront us daily and win the prize of eternal life, the promised reward to those who remain faithful until death. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
WORD OF THE DAY - Tuesday 16 February 2010
Ибо кто хочет душу свою сберечь, тот потеряет ее, а кто потеряет душу свою ради Меня и Евангелия, тот сбережет ее. Ибо какая польза человеку, если он приобретет весь мир, а душе своей повредит? (От Марка 8:35-36 Russian)
Бо хто хоче душу свою зберегти, той погубить її, а хто згубить душу свою ради Мене та Євангелії, той її збереже. Яка ж користь людині, що здобуде ввесь світ, але душу свою занапастить? (Марко 8:35-36 Ukrainian)
Almighty God, our Kind and Holy Father in Heaven ~ Thank you for the precious gift of life on this new day that greets us with renewed hopes and invigorating joy that is ours because of our wonderful hope of eternal life. Help us to retain our focus upon the most important aspects of this earthly existence – those rare and expensive spiritual gifts that come to all people who hear, believe and obey the blessed Gospel of Christ. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.
Photo: We had a very productive day this past Sunday meeting with different people and groups at the North Atlanta Church of Christ. We were able to answer many questions about our mission work in Nikolaev, Ukraine; Magadan, Russia and Inta, Russia. Our hearts were overflowing with tears of joy during lunch and on our way back home as we had the opportunity to meet with three young people who are committing five years of their lives to live in Russia and study toward a Masters Degree in the Russian language and linguistics. They realize some of the difficulties that are ahead but are confident that they will be able to find time and opportunity to share their faith with some other young people as well as those older than themselves. Their brave hearts renew our faith in what the next generation may accomplish with God's help for the Gospel’s sake in the former Soviet Union. Please pray for the young couple Aaron and Erin, and also David.
Monday, February 15, 2010
WORD OF THE DAY - 15 February 2010
В тот день откроется источник дому Давидову и жителям Иерусалима для омытия греха и нечистоты. (Захария 13:1 Russian)
Того дня відкриється джерело для Давидового дому та для єрусалимських мешканців для жертви за гріх і за нечистоту. (Захария 13:1 Ukrainian)
Heavenly Father, our One God for all people on earth ~ Thank you for this new day along with countless blessings that constantly flow from your bounty to everyone and especially to those who follow Christ as Lord. Give us wisdom as we attempt to teach others the urgency of recognizing sin as filth that must be cleansed by the precious blood of Jesus that was spilt that awful day in Jerusalem long ago. Give us confidence along with strong faith so that we will never be ashamed of the power that is contained in the message of the cross. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, Amen.
Photo: We look forward to our return to Nikolaev, Ukraine and our work with the young congregation there. We are also excited about renewing our efforts with the wonderful faculty and English students at the Pedagogical University. We have a magnificent opportunity to help these young people learn something about the Bible and the wonderful hope that is in Jesus Christ. These are very bright students who are studying to be English teachers and interpreters. They are in their 4th and 5th year of studies. Thank you for the many prayers regarding our work.
WORD OF THE DAY - Sunday 14 February 2010
Возлюбленные! если так возлюбил нас Бог, то и мы должны любить друг друга. Бога никто никогда не видел. Если мы любим друг друга, то Бог в нас пребывает, и любовь Его совершенна есть в нас. (1-e Иоанна 4:11-12 Russian)
Улюблені, коли Бог полюбив нас отак, то повинні любити і ми один одного! Бога не бачив ніколи ніхто. Коли один одного любимо, то Бог в нас пробуває, а любов Його в нас удосконалилась. (1 Йоаново 4:11-12 Ukrainian)
Almighty God, our Dear Father in Heaven ~ Thank you for this new Lord’s Day that on which we have another grand opportunity to assemble with other followers of Jesus Christ. Strengthen and encourage those believers around the world, especially those who are only a small minority of their population. Give us wisdom as we grow in our knowledge of Christ so that we will truly love one another with sincere hearts as he taught us and gave himself for our salvation. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, Amen.
WORD OF THE DAY - Saturday 13 February 2010
Всё соделал Он прекрасным в свое время, и вложил мир в сердце их, хотя человек не может постигнуть дел, которые Бог делает, от начала до конца. (Екклесиаст 3:11 Russian)
усе Він прегарним зробив свого часу, і вічність поклав їм у серце, хоч не розуміє людина тих діл, що Бог учинив, від початку та аж до кінця... (Еклисиаст 3:11Ukrainian)
Most Holy and Righteous God, our Dear Heavenly Father ~ Thank you for the gift of life that pulses with the strength of your unfathomable power. Give us wisdom as we ponder over the great mystery of eternal life. Give us stronger faith as we learn more about Jesus who became human in order to draw us to your great and matchless love that makes it possible for us to have positive hopes of an eternal home for our soul. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.
Friday, February 12, 2010
WORD OF THE DAY - Friday 12 February 2010
возвещая Иудеям и Еллинам покаяние пред Богом и веру в Господа нашего Иисуса Христа. (Деяния 20:21 Russian)
І я свідчив юдеям та гелленам, щоб вони перед Богом покаялись, та ввірували в Господа нашого Ісуса Христа. (Деяния 20:21 Ukrainian)
Everlasting God, our Dear Heavenly Father ~ Thank you for the splendor of this new day as we contemplate the extremely high value of life with your constant care and guidance. Give us courage and wisdom so that we will continue the work begun by our Lord of testifying about our faith to all people in the world so that they will also believe and obey Christ as Lord. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
WORD OF THE DAY - Thursday 11 February 2010
Итак прежде всего прошу совершать молитвы, прошения, моления, благодарения за всех человеков, за царей и за всех начальствующих, дабы проводить нам жизнь тихую и безмятежную во всяком благочестии и чистоте. (1-е Тимофею 2:1-2 Russian)
Отже, перш над усе я благаю чинити молитви, благання, прохання, подяки за всіх людей, за царів та за всіх, хто при владі, щоб могли ми провадити тихе й мирне життя в усякій побожності та чистості. (1 Тимотей 2:1-2 Ukrainian)
Our Dear Heavenly Father ~ Thank you for the precious gift of life on this new day. Hear our ardent prayers on behalf of every person in the world - that peace and enduring freedom will come to every home along with the opportunity to hear, believe and obey your plan of salvation. Give wisdom to all world leaders so that they will first of all serve you with honor and then provide true moral direction by their own exemplary lives. Protect them and all people in positions of power as they go about their daily tasks. Give all Christians a sense of urgency to sincerely live in such a manner that other people will see Christ living in us as we interact with others in society. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.
Photo: One Sunday morning in November, new Christians gathered for worship. We heard from our dear brother Akinrinde (on the right in front) that he has finally received enough money to purchase his tickets back to Nigeria. This was a big problem for him following his graduation from the maritime university in Nikolaev, Ukraine and now he hopes to receive a job when he gets back home. Due to his strong faith, he will be an asset to a local church there in Lagos or wherever he goes in his work.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
WORD OF THE DAY - 10 February 2010
Итак нет ныне никакого осуждения тем, которые во Христе Иисусе живут не по плоти, но по духу. (К Римлянам 8:1)
Тож немає тепер жадного осуду тим, хто ходить у Христі Ісусі не за тілом, а за духом. (Римляни 8:1 Ukrainian)
Almighty God, our Dear Father in Heaven ~ Thank you for the sparkling array of your creation that greets us on this new day and reminds us of your great love. Give us more of your infinite wisdom so that we will never lose heart and give up when the difficulties of this life seem to overwhelm us. Give us strength as we keep in step with your Spirit by following the inspired teachings in your holy and inspired Word. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
WORD OF THE DAY - Tuesday 09 February 2010
Дающий же семя сеющему и хлеб в пищу подаст обилие посеянному вами и умножит плоды правды вашей. (2-е Коринфянам 9:10 Russian)
А Той, Хто насіння дає сіячеві та хліб на поживу, нехай дасть і примножить ваше насіння, і нехай Він зростить плоди праведности вашої. (2 Коринтяни 9:10 Ukrainian)
Most Holy and Righteous God, our Dear Heavenly Father ~ Thank you for allowing us to enjoy another day basking under the superbly rich provision that we receive because of your great love for your children. Help our hearts to be full of your love as we learn to be great givers as we are great receivers. Most of all, give us wisdom and boldness to share the Gospel – your greatest gift for all people in the world. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.
Photo: Evgenia gave her heart to Jesus Christ as she repented of sins, confessed her faith in Jesus as God's Son, and was baptized into Christ. A friend of hers with whom we had a Bible study, brought Zhenya to our meeting one Sunday in Nikolaev, Ukraine. She had very little knowledge of the Bible, but was very interested in learning about salvation. There are so many young adults all over Ukraine and Russia who are growing up without God in their lives. Thank you for the many prayers for this evangelistic effort to spread the borders of the Kingdom of Christ.
Monday, February 8, 2010
WORD OF THE DAY - 08 February 2010
‘О, Господи Боже! Ты сотворил небо и землю великою силою Твоею и простертою мышцею; для Тебя ничего нет невозможного.’ (Иеремия 32:17 Russian)
О Господи, Боже! Ти небо та землю створив Своєю потужною силою та Своїм витягненим раменом, нічого для Тебе нема неможливого! (Еремия 32:17 Ukrainian)
Great Sovereign God, our Dear Heavenly Father ~ Thank you for the sparkling gift of life on this new day that arrives with even greater proof of your abiding presence in your creation. Help us to have a sharper sense of our potential for doing great things that honor Christ. Give us wisdom and greater faith as we read your word and obey Christ with boldness, knowing that we are never alone. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.
Photo: Students at the Pedagogical University in Nikolaev, Ukraine pick up copies of my notes from my talk about the possibilities of being a Christian in this modern world. We enjoyed wonderful access to many students and were not prevented from teaching the Gospel that brings salvation to this group of sharp minded young people.
Saturday, February 6, 2010
WORD OF THE DAY - 06 February 2010
Если кто приходит ко Мне и не возненавидит отца своего и матери, и жены и детей, и братьев и сестер, а притом и самой жизни своей, тот не может быть Моим учеником. (От Луки 14:26 Russian)
Коли хто приходить до Мене, і не зненавидить свого батька та матері, і дружини й дітей, і братів і сестер, а до того й своєї душі, той не може буть учнем Моїм! (Лука 14:26 Ukrainian)
Dear God, our Most Wise and Merciful Father in Heaven ~ Thank you for the superior gift of life on this new day along with the hope of living forever. Give us wisdom, strong faith and love as we struggle to overcome affection for the material things of this life and even our closest relatives so that we will truly be able to remain focused upon the One who loves us the most. Fill us with your Spirit as we put Christ in the highest place and study and obey your word so that we can sincerely love others as you love us. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.
Photo: In October, it was necessary for us to extend our stay in Ukraine. Even though my visa doesn't expire until 2012 and Galina's will expire in July, Ukraine has a law that we must adhere to, that limits long-term visitors to their country to no more than 90 days at a time. Then, we must go out of the country and reenter in order to receive a new immigration card. That is why we had to take that long bus ride over to Rostov-na-Donu in Russia in October. On the ride back the bus had an emergency with one of the wheels due to some object that was on the road and caused a flat and damage to the wheel. This was a long repair job in the wee hours of the morning, but otherwise it is a very comfortable ride and modern bus. The roads in Ukraine are usually sub-standard, but with so many economic woes these days, road repair is down on the list of priorities. We have since learned that it is possible for us to take a shorter trip to Moldova. In that case, we must have a visa to Moldova (I think). We are tweaking our plans, and as of now, we plan to leave the States for Nikolaev around the 20th of March. We hope to visit Magadan and Inta during this upcoming sojourn in the former Soviet Union. Thank you for the prayers.
Friday, February 5, 2010
WORD OF THE DAY - 05 February 2010
А Христос за всех умер, чтобы живущие уже не для себя жили, но для умершего за них и воскресшего. (2-е Коринфянам 5:15 Russian)
А вмер Він за всіх, щоб ті, хто живе, не жили вже для себе самих, а для Того, Хто за них був умер і воскрес. (2 Коринтяни 5:15 Ukrainian)
All righteous and Holy God, our Dear Heavenly Father ~ Thank you for the remarkable gift of life on this fresh day. Give us more of your wisdom and embolden us so that we who have decided to follow Christ will sincerely live for Jesus today and each day for the rest of our lives. Help us not to forget what happened at that cross on Golgotha which makes it possible for us to have hope of eternal life. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
WORD OF THE DAY - 04 February 2010
Так и нас ныне подобное сему образу крещение, не плотской нечистоты омытие, но обещание Богу доброй совести, спасает воскресением Иисуса Христа, (1-e Петра 3:21 Russian)
Того образ, хрищення не тілесної нечистости позбуття, але обітниця Богові доброго сумління, спасає тепер і нас воскресенням Ісуса Христа, (1 Петрово 3:21 Ukrainian)
Most Holy and Righteous God, our Dear Heavenly Father ~ Thank you for the precious gift of life on this new day that blazes with the dazzling display of your presence that is evident in the smallest details of this created world. Help us to teach lost sinners, that in addition to faith, repentance and confession, they must obey Jesus Christ command to be baptized. Give us courage not to minimize this teaching of our Lord. Give us wisdom not to make apologies for any command of Christ, but help us to teach and live in such a way that people will see the beautiful hope of the resurrection in us. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.
Photo: Two men confessed their faith in Jesus Christ and obeyed Him in baptism. This was in Nikolaev, Ukraine.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
WORD OF THE DAY - 03 February 2010
Подвизайся добрым подвигом веры, держись вечной жизни, к которой ты и призван, и исповедал доброе исповедание перед многими свидетелями. (1-е Тимофею 6:12 Russian)
Змагай добрим змагом віри, ухопися за вічне життя, до якого й покликаний ти, і визнав був добре визнання перед свідками багатьома. (1 Тимотей 6:12 Ukrainian)
Almighty God, our Dear Father in Heaven ~ We rejoice on this new day with the realization that we are your special children and under your watchful guidance and care. Help those who are teaching others about Christ to not overlook giving them instructions on the eternal benefit of making the confession of faith that Jesus, born of the virgin Mary in Bethlehem and grew up in Nazareth is indeed your One and Only Son and our blessed Messiah. We pray in Jesus name, Amen.
Olga (in yellow) our long-time helper with many different matters at the church in Magadan, Russia recently sent us a picture of one of their Women's Bible Classes that they have each Saturday. After this particular class, they celebrated Nadya and Ivan's 20th anniversary along with Anya's birthday. (to Olga's right) As usual, there were visitors at the class. This is another one of the evangelistic outreach vehicles that are used successfully by the church in Magadan.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
WORD OF THE DAY - 02 February 2010
Нет, говорю вам, но, если не покаетесь, все так же погибнете. (От Луки 13:3 Russian)
Ні, кажу вам; та коли не покаєтеся, то загинете всі так! (Лука 13:3 Ukrainian Bible)
Our Dear Father in Heaven ~ Thank you for this new day that brings fresh blessings and opportunities to do good, especially by telling another person what to do to receive forgiveness of sins and eternal life. Give us wisdom and courage as we read and obey the teachings of Christ so that we will help people understand the necessity of sincerely repenting of sins in order to receive forgiveness. In Christ name we pray, Amen.
Photo: New Christians become better acquainted one day while having tea and snacks. One of the brothers from Nigeria has already left to return to Nigeria. One is still in Nikolaev, but is supposed to leave soon. We pray that their faith will grow stronger as they search for employment and give help spread the Gospel in Africa. Thank you for remembering this work in your prayers.