Подвизайся добрым подвигом веры, держись вечной жизни, к которой ты и призван, и исповедал доброе исповедание перед многими свидетелями. (1-е Тимофею 6:12 Russian)
Змагай добрим змагом віри, ухопися за вічне життя, до якого й покликаний ти, і визнав був добре визнання перед свідками багатьома. (1 Тимотей 6:12 Ukrainian)
Almighty God, our Dear Father in Heaven ~ We rejoice on this new day with the realization that we are your special children and under your watchful guidance and care. Help those who are teaching others about Christ to not overlook giving them instructions on the eternal benefit of making the confession of faith that Jesus, born of the virgin Mary in Bethlehem and grew up in Nazareth is indeed your One and Only Son and our blessed Messiah. We pray in Jesus name, Amen.
Olga (in yellow) our long-time helper with many different matters at the church in Magadan, Russia recently sent us a picture of one of their Women's Bible Classes that they have each Saturday. After this particular class, they celebrated Nadya and Ivan's 20th anniversary along with Anya's birthday. (to Olga's right) As usual, there were visitors at the class. This is another one of the evangelistic outreach vehicles that are used successfully by the church in Magadan.
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