Wednesday, March 31, 2010

WORD OF THE DAY - Wednesday 31 March 2010

I have brought you glory on earth by completing the work you gave me to do. And now, Father, glorify me in your presence with the glory I had with you before the world began. (John 17:4-5 NIV)

Я прославил Тебя на земле, совершил дело, которое Ты поручил Мне исполнить. И ныне прославь Меня Ты, Отче, у Тебя Самого славою, которую Я имел у Тебя прежде бытия мира. (От Иоанна 17:4-5 Russian)

Я прославив Тебе на землі, довершив Я те діло, що Ти дав Мені виконати. І тепер прослав, Отче, Мене Сам у Себе тією славою, яку в Тебе Я мав, поки світ не постав. (Йоан 17:4-5 Ukrainian)

Almighty God, our Dear Father in Heaven ~ Thank you for granting us the precious breath of life on this new day in which we look forward to experiencing even more tremendous blessings from your grace. Give us a portion of the wisdom of Christ so that we will have the stamina to joyfully complete each task that will bring glory to our Lord and to your astounding power. Help us to take full advantage of the opportunities we may encounter today to sincerely share our faith. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.

Our brother Nikolai Tkhor arranged for us to go out to a peninsula on the mighty Southern Bug river yesterday to the place where the institute for wayward boys he co-founded many years ago. He and our brother Nikolai Gagarkin made a visit there recently to tell the director about the church and our interest in doing good deeds for this home for delinquent boys. It is difficult to get there, and the taxi driver would not even go across the bridge that takes us out to the large 'island' that is more or less a peninsula. The place offers a different view of Nikolaev than we have seen before. We met with the director and proposed to him that I would teach a class on Becoming People of Good Character using the Bible. At first his reaction was to go into an explanation of separation of church and state and that this plan might not be approved. God was with us in this trip, and later in the meeting he began to see the benefits for the boys, and agreed with enthusiasm. Of course it helped to have our influential Nikolai with us. The director Vladimir called in two of the teachers, and explained our plan, and they embraced in with joyful anticipation. The boys who will be in our first class are ages 14 to 17. Our first session will be this coming Saturday morning at 10.00. The boys in this special school are orphans due to the fact that they are truly orphaned or their parents have been denied parental rights. One boy that we talked with yesterday was very special and talented. His teacher explained that he was from a far away village, not even in the near vicinity of the city of Nikolaev. He was starving and was caught taking food from a shop. Even though he is serving a juvenile offender "sentence", he is better off where he can have food and education for a couple of years. Moreover, I believe it is God's will that we are here at this time to offer some spiritual training and bring the Good News about Jesus Christ to this place. Due to the distance and difficulty of transportation in the remote area, we were a bit late returning for our daily Bible study. But, Lyuda and Stepan were there as usual waiting for us. Thank you for your prayers.

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