Anna's husband Vadim has now completed all seven lessons in the first WEI book and hopefully will continue his studies on-line while we are away. We have encouraged all students to register on-line with WEI and requested that they assign us to be the teachers for these Nikolaev students since we already have established a rapport with each of them.
Last night we only had our faithful Luda and Stepan in attendance. We sang for a while, prayed and read scriptures together from the Psalms. They are always such a strong encouragement to the work here. Thank you for being faithful in prayer regarding this work of sowing the gospel seeds here in Ukraine. God has given me back the strength that seemed to be missing for a few days when that virus got hold of me. Now, I feel all perky again! Thanks to the Lord.
Anna came with her husband yesterday and brought a gift for us that one of her art students had done. It is very beautiful, especially considering the fact it was done by one of her age 9 - 12 orphan children where she works. This gifted teacher works at a home for orphan children similar to our Boys Home. There they have both boys and girls. We plan to visit there when we return in January and hopefully begin to work with them. Snezhana was not able to come yesterday since she had to take her son to the hospital due to a respiratory sickness.
Pavel has a great sense of humor and we always have a good time of fellowship during our study together yesterday. He is very knowledgeable about world geography and wants to understand what he is reading and hearing in English. He ask good questions about our Bible lessons to make sure he is getting it correct.
The first English using the Bible and WEI lessons study appointment yesterday was with Mikhail, the young man who is working as a sales consultant at a local big box type store. He has his degree in a scientific field and has hopes to improve his English enough to get a job abroad. He is very personable along with being bright and studious. He takes our studies very seriously and has good comprehension of the Bible lessons.
Surely God shall deliver you from the snare of the fowler, and from the deadly pestilence. He shall cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you shall trust; his faithfulness shall be your shield and buckler. (Psalm 91:3-4)
Он избавит тебя от сети ловца, от гибельной язвы, (90-4) перьями Своими осенит тебя, и под крыльями Его будешь безопасен; щит и ограждение--истина Его. (Псалтирь 91:3-4 Russian 90-3,4)
Бо Він тебе вирве з тенет птахолова, з моровиці згубної, Він пером Своїм вкриє тебе, і під крильми Його заховаєшся ти! Щит та лук Його правда. (Псалми 91:3-4 Ukrainian)
Y él te librará del lazo del cazador: De la peste destruidora. Con sus plumas te cubrirá, Y debajo de sus alas estarás seguro: Escudo y adarga es su verdad. (Salmos 91:3-4 Spanish)
O LORD God, our Dear Father in Heaven ~ Thank you for the unanticipated and generous blessings that we receive from your limitless bounty on this new day. Give us a portion of your perfect wisdom so that as our knowledge of facts increases, we will be able to make better choices regarding the use of our time and resources in order to advance the Kingdom of Christ. Help us to be more trusting as we hide ourselves under your protective shelter. Increase our faith in the fabulous invisible reward that is waiting the faithful. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.
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