Thursday, March 17, 2011

WORD OF THE DAY - 17 March 2011 Mykolaiv, Ukraine

So then each of us will give an account of himself to God. (Romans 14:12)

Итак каждый из нас за себя даст отчет Богу. (К Римлянам 14:12 Russian)

Тому кожен із нас сам за себе дасть відповідь Богові. (Римляни 14:12 Ukrainian)

De manera que, cada uno de nosotros dará á Dios razón de sí. (Romanos 14:12 Spanish)

Almighty God, our Holy and Righteous Father in Heaven ~ Thank you for the peace and comfort that fills the hearts of all people who trust and obey Christ as Lord. Give us wisdom so that we will always accept our role in life as individuals who must someday answer before the great Throne of Judgment. Help us to teach personal accountability in all things to  the next generations by our own example. In the blessed name of Jesus we pray, Amen.
We had several studies yesterday. We almost, but not quite had too many sessions for the two of us. It is difficult to turn anyone away because we want to spend time with every person who wants to study English using the Bible. We continue to hope and pray for some additional worker(s) who will join us in this important work for the Lord.  Our desire to pay attention to each student was realized with God’s help.  Katya was able to be with us yesterday and she even brought us some vegetable juice for the good health of the teachers. Next we spent time with Oksana who works in a local restaurant and has not been able to find time for her English studies. Right after that, we spent time with Pavel who is a most diligent student and pays very close attention to the meaning of the text. As he was walking out the door, Dima our good friend from the University came with his fiancé Nastya who also studies at the same institution. He agreed to repeat the Introductory Lesson with her so they would be on the same page. They taught us a new word – Surzhyk which is a type of dialect that uses Ukrainian and Russian words interchangeably. We are very familiar with many people of Ukrainian descent even in Magadan who speak many Russian words with the Ukrainian sounds – such as H for G in Galina that becomes Halina as in Ukraine. But Surzhyk is something different and they took time to partially explain it to us. After we finished with these wonderful young people, it was almost time for our Wednesday night Bible study. We had 8 people present which is the same as we had Sunday. Those numbers make you think that perhaps it is better to think small. Wednesday night attendance in large churches tends to be small fraction of those present for Sunday worship. We had another great time together in the Word, with prayers and songs. Our brother Stepan always amazes us with his strength and stamina. He fell this week while walking and had to have stitches around his eye. He didn’t let a little think like that deter him from going out again in the dark and walking a distance to catch the bus and then a streetcar. Zhenya, the young son of Pavel is responsive to Galina’s instruction to read from the children’s Bible and draw something that he finds there. When we sing, he sings along with the rest of the group, and when we pray, he prays with us. We learned yesterday from the director of the Boys Home that we can come today since the boys who have some family will have a spring break. We are rearranging our schedule today to be able to spend time with the boys. Thank you for the fervent prayers.

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