Saturday, April 30, 2011

WORD OF THE DAY - Saturday 30 April 2011 from Slavyansk, Ukraine

The young lions lack and suffer hunger; but those who seek the LORD shall not lack any good thing. (Psalm 34:10 NKJV)

Скимны бедствуют и терпят голод, а ищущие Господа не терпят нужды ни в каком благе. (Псалтирь 34:10 Russian 33-11)
 Левчуки бідні й голодні, а ті, хто пошукує Господа, недостатку не чують в усьому добрі. (Псалми 34:10 Ukrainian 34-11)

Los leoncillos se debilitan y tienen hambre, pero a los que buscan al Señor nada les falta. (Salmos 34:10 Spanish NVI)
Almighty God, our Dear Heavenly Father ~ Thank you for this new day that arrives with many new opportunities for doing good by those who obediently obey Christ as Lord. Give us wisdom so that even if worldly events cause us to be in such a state of despair that we are not sure if we can face people, to rise with a faithful heart and render good service to our neighbors. We are extremely grateful for the way our Savior is always with the faithful in all circumstances and that the anchor of hope remains secure. In the blessed name of Jesus we pray, Amen.

Yesterday morning we called a taxi to take us over the railroad tracks and past the large Italian owned ceramic factory that makes floor and wall tiles, and up a high hill to the cemetery where Galina's father's body is buried. We came here to weep with Mama Elena and to try and comfort her since this was her first time to visit the grave since the funeral a year ago. Thursday night she asked if we wanted to hear how they met. How could we reject her offer since she met him in far-away Ural mountain town near Chelyabinsk? This was after World War 2 and she described all the poverty of their times. It was the first time I heard it mentioned as a Depression which is certainly accurate. She told how when she graduated with her engineering degree, her fellow students were assigned to jobs at various places in the old Soviet Union. If they refused to accept the assignment, they faced 3 months in jail. She said it was just the way they maintained order at that time. She wrote a letter to the minister of labor or some title like that in Moscow, and pleaded with them to allow her to be able to stay on here in Slavyansk and help support her family who were all victimized by the war. She was turned down, but she said she had decided before the rejection came to go ahead and do her duty for the country. She moved to that far away place with another young woman from Ukraine. They arrived together and were given housing in an old barracks that lacked any conveniences such as heat and water. It was November and already cold in that region. Before she left Ukraine, she said she and her mother took some old fabric from Red Army uniforms and made her a coat and died it black so she would not freeze. She also described the warm boots she and her mother fashioned out of scraps. After getting settled as best they could, she was assigned a job to review work of some young men who were working on lathes. She had to check the accuracy of their work, and they didn't get paid for what they did. She had her own metal stamp with which she identified what was acceptable. One day a young man came and complained that several of his pieces were rejected, but the work of this friend was never rejected. The friend turned out to be Misha who was described to her as the "young guy who works on the American machine". She said he was very proud to be able to use this good metal lathe that had been donated to the Soviets to help them in the war effort against Nazi Germany. She said they had no heat in the building where he worked, so he would smear his face with the dirty hot water that was used to cool down the metal he worked on when it was turning. She said the first time she saw him he was all black and had metal shavings in his hair and stuck in his skin. Anyway, we listened for over an hour as she told details of how life started out for them in that harsh post WW2 environment. He courted her by suggesting that he play the guitar and the two girls could sing some songs of their Ukraine homeland. On the way back to the house, we encountered a long train carrying enough track to replace what looked like the entire line that serves Slavyansk. The city was threatened with loss of rail service if they didn’t upgrade the track. After a long wait since there was no way to get to our destination without turning around and going almost all the way to Kramatorsk and then to Slavyansk, the cars eventually passed and we were allowed to cross the tracks.
When we got out of the taxi, the little watch dog, Julia (Yulia aka Yulka) was doing her duty with her loud bark until we opened the gate and she saw no strangers. She always remembers us even when we have been away a long time. After putting our bags down and getting Mama to rest a while, we went to the center of town where some shops are and bought some necessities for the home. We also bought more medicine to help with the nagging symptoms of whatever it is that has me wheezing and sneezing. When I saw medicine, I’m referring to various herbal remedies that seem to give some relief. While in town, we noticed some construction going on for a new outdoor café that will add some new ambience to the downtown area. While in that area, we ran into the first person to become my friend in Slavyansk when we came here for me to see where Galina was a school girl. Dima was working at the city when we were looking around for a place that offered Internet service. There were not so many options at that time. He and his wife later opened up a shop dealing with mobile phones. When I gave him one of our cards advertising our work in Nikolaev, his first question was, “why not do that in Slavyansk?” They are not yet Christians, but are open to teaching when we have the opportunity. They like many people in this part of the world have applied to enter the United States on the visa lottery program. They are supposed to hear something soon if they were chosen this time around.

When we came home, it was finally time for me to spend time pulling weeds in the garden. Those pesky Norwegian Johnson grass was popping up in the middle of all the strawberry plants. The only way to help that out is to get down there and get your fingers in the dirt so you can pull up the weed with its roots. At least that kind of work, at the end of the day, you can look at it with a sense of satisfaction. I’m very happy that the weather was nice yesterday since it is rainy today. We plan to leave in just a few hours for the long overnight trip back to Nikolaev. Last night I finished preparing my sermon while Galina and her mama laughed and cried together Elena gave Galina a valuable family photo album from Galina’s childhood and a few pictures of her grandparents on both sides.
We had a wonderful call yesterday from Vladimir, the director of the Boys Home. He was elated that they received their tractor/mower that we recently helped purchase. He wants us to come see it as soon as possible so they can properly thank us. The boys will use it to plow the garden area, cultivate and mow the large campus. We plan to be with the boys this coming week for a makeup of today. He always tells us we can come when it is convenient for us. They are always waiting on us. Thank you for the ardent and faithful prayers.   

Friday, April 29, 2011

WORD OF THE DAY - Friday 29 April 2011 from Slavyansk, Ukraine

All that the Father gives me will come to me, and whoever comes to me I will never cast out. (John 6:37 ESV)

Все, что дает Мне Отец, ко Мне придет; и приходящего ко Мне не изгоню вон, (От Иоанна 6:37 Russian)
Усе прийде до Мене, що Отець дає Мені, а того, хто до Мене приходить, Я не вижену геть. Йоан 6:37 (Ukrainian Bible)

Todo lo que el Padre me da, vendrá á mí; y al que á mí viene, no le hecho fuera. (Juan 6:37 Spanish)
All Powerful and Merciful God, our Dear Heavenly Father ~ Thank you for the brightness of your love that shines clear on this new day. Give us wisdom as we marvel over how many souls who have been wandering in the darkness of sin have been turned to Christ by the power of your Holy Spirit as the word of truth is spread throughout the world. Give those who are wavering in doubt the certainty of our eternal salvation with Christ our Savior. Help us to be more effective in reaching those who have deliberately turned their eyes away from Jesus so they will hear Christ’s invitation; repent and seek you with tears. In the saving name of Jesus we pray, Amen.

We were stopped at the Bus Station in Druzhkovka yesterday on the way here to Slavyansk. This man was struggling to pull his cart with his bike. Many people here have cars, but most here in Ukraine rely upon more simple forms of getting places like walking, riding bikes, buses, trams, etc.
This is one of the many new Orthodox Church buildings with the gold gilded dome. This seems to be the post Soviet feature for recognizing Orthodox buildings.
When you enter the city of Slavyansk, first you cross over this pretty little river. A little farther on we saw people fishing from the bank on a sunny 720 Fahrenheit day. See more photos on Facebook since I was not able to send 5 with this posting.
On the bus ride over from the city of Donetsk to Slavyansk yesterday, we passed many typical Ukrainian houses that have the fence in front with a gate and in the back an abundant garden.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

WORD OF THE DAY - Thursday 28 April 2011 from Slavyansk, Ukraine

Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.  (Matthew 6:34 NIV)

Итак не заботьтесь о завтрашнем дне, ибо завтрашний [сам] будет заботиться о своем: довольно для [каждого] дня своей заботы. (От Матфея 6:34 Russian)
Отож, не журіться про завтрашній день, бо завтра за себе само поклопочеться. Кожний день має досить своєї турботи! (Матей 6:34 Ukrainian)

Así que, no os congojéis por el día de mañana; que el día de mañana traerá su fatiga: basta al día su afán. (Mateo 6:34 Spanish)
Almighty God, Who commands and the winds obey your voice. We are your creatures and are not able to comprehend the great mysteries of our own earth and the universe. Give us wisdom and we consider the great destructive forces that are being unleashed around the world. Help us to concentrate each day for doing good deeds that will show our faith in the love of Christ. Help us to be calm as we walk by faith in our Lord who will bring all the faithful home to a perfect place where no storm clouds darken the sky. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.

Yesterday was another long day of activities dealing with our upcoming World English Institute campaign in June. We learned only today that the group which was planning to come in July has backed out. That is a disappointment for us since all our advertisements have already hit the streets of Nikolaev with June and July. God is great and good, and we will just encourage anyone who wanted to study in July to study with the teachers coming in June. Participating in such a campaign like this to spread the beautiful seeds of the gospel of Christ is always full of complications. It is much like going on a campaign during a war in regard to all the mental, physical and family preparations. One young man who is studying Bible at a university recently asked for my advice on being a missionary when he graduates. My answer was the advice I received some decades ago, "Don't be a preacher or missionary unless you have to." My answer was I have to. This young man's honest answer was, I don't have to do that. Nevertheless, there is so much work to do in the kingdom of God's dear Son without being a missionary or preacher or both. Every Christian is a valuable worker for the Lord and should sing with enthusiasm the old hymn, "I want to be a worker for the Lord." After a couple of meetings with our advertising folks yesterday, we were able to finalize (pay) our arrangements. We will have our new large sign out in front of the church meeting place in a few days, and there are already flyers being posted around the city advertising the church's regular activities as well as flyers promoting our WEI gospel campaign. Last night at 09.00 at our Wednesday night Bible study, Pavel led us in a good study about what happens when we die. It was a difficult assignment that is part of what I've been giving him to teach so that he will grow in his studies of the word and delivering faithful lessons. After we rode home with Zhenya and discussed her desire to return to active duty in the church, we threw everything together and caught a bus that left Nikolaev at 10.25 last night and arrived in Donetsk at 10.15 this morning. Then, we waited about an hour for a bus to Slavyansk that took two and half hours. Finally we arrived to the home of Galina's Mama. She is not feeling well possibly since it has now been a year since her beloved Misha passed away. We plan to take her to the cemetery and decorate the grave. I need to be back in Nikolaev Sunday morning, so I'll have another overnight bus ride. Galina may stay on here for a few more days to help her mother. She really appreciated us coming and knows how hard it is traveling in Ukraine, since she used to have to travel in her work as an economic engineer during the Soviet days. Many people have modern cars in Ukraine and zip around the country on very bad roads that have pot-holes in every mile it seems. Like other people here and I'm certain more so in the USA, people are talking about the powerful storms that rolled with their powerful destructive force across Alabama, Georgia and I'm not sure where else. We are in prayer for our family, church family and many friends in Alabama and Georgia. If there is such a thing as a "tornado alley" in Alabama & Georgia, it seems to my recollection that many powerful storms have come across that same general area. We are waiting more news as we pray fervently for the survivors who must pick up the pieces and move on with their lives. Thank you for the prayers as we pray for you.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

WORD OF THE DAY - Wednesday 27 April 2011 from Nikolaev, Ukraine

But the Lord is faithful, who shall establish you, and guard you from the evil one. (2 Thessalonians 3:3)

Но верен Господь, Который утвердит вас и сохранит от лукавого. (2-е Фессалоникийцам 3:3 Russian)
І вірний Господь, що зміцнить вас і збереже від лукавого. (2 Солунци 3:3 Ukrainian)

Mas fiel es el Señor, que os confirmará y guardará del mal. (2 Tesalonicenses 3:3 Spanish)
Almighty God, our Eternal and Kind Father in Heaven ~ Thank you for the light of a new day that dawns with increasing evidence of your presence in our daily affairs. Strengthen us by the power of your Spirit as we walk in the way that Jesus leads us in the Scriptures. Protect us from those whose hearts are filled with evil and intend to bring everyone down with them. We are very grateful for the assurance of your abiding love. In the blessed name of Jesus we pray, Amen.

We had another productive study with Natasha, one of our World English Institute students.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

WORD OF THE DAY - Tuesday 26 April 2011 from Nikolaev, Ukraine

As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. (Proverbs 25:25)

Что холодная вода для истомленной жаждой души, то добрая весть из дальней страны. (Притчи 25:25 Russian)
Добра звістка з далекого краю це холодна водиця на спрагнену душу. (Притчи 25:25 Ukrainian)

Como el agua fría al alma sedienta, Así son las buenas nuevas de lejanas tierras. (Proverbios 25:25 Spanish)

Most Holy God, our Dear Heavenly Father ~ Thank you for life along with wisdom and strength as we joyfully greet this new day. At some point in time, according to your patience with man, all the vast communication networks that cover the earth and the near heavens will suddenly go eerily silent by your command that will end this entire creation so that the faithful may inherit a better and eternal place. While we have today’s opportunities, give us wisdom to use the proper words to cover the earth and skies with the only true Good News that offers pardon for every human being along with the gift of eternal life. Please forgive us for not making better use of all the various energy resources that you created in the Beginning. Help us to have your compassion and understanding for the millions of lonely and desperate souls all over the world that will be revived with the message of hope that is contained in the Gospel. In the precious name of Jesus who died for us, Amen.
Yesterday, after taking care to leave some scraps for the cats around the dumpster, we headed down to the Hotel Tourist to make sure that they understand we have guests arriving on 10 June 2011 for our World English Institute campaign. We had been speaking with a person on the phone, and when she saw us she remembered us from our two stays there on our first trip to Nikolaev, and the second time when we still did not have an apartment. The hotel is holding two rooms with two beds each, for the 4 English and Bible teachers who will participate in the first 3 weeks of our big attempt to reach more souls. The cost for the hotel will be less than $30 person. The price includes a full breakfast in the restaurant. We also had the opportunity to arrange for a van to pick up the WEI workers who will arrive in Kiev on 10 June 2011. We plan to travel there to meet them and ride back with them and their luggage in this van which will take them from the airport in Kiev to the hotel here in Mykolayiv. This will cost each person about $70 from Kiev to Nikolaev. We will make the same arrangement to take them back to the airport when they have finished their important work here. After taking care of things at the hotel, we walked up to the Central Market area and did something we have been “aiming to do” for a long time. We caught Tram number 8 and rode it to the end of the line. We passed through some familiar parts of the city, but we had never been all the way down Cosmonaut Avenue. We were able to see the impressive church building of the Christian Church Love of Christ. We rode our familiar bus number 43 that ends its route conveniently where the church meets. We still have several areas of the city that we have never had time to visit and we intend to do that sometime before our guests arrive. Yesterday was a holiday that went along with Easter. We had a telephone conference with one of the leaders at a Rehabilitation Center sponsored by Churches of Christ, which helps people who became Christians while incarcerated to adapt to civilian life now that they have been released. He invited us to come for a visit and for me to be prepared to preach the Gospel. We will pray about this and look for a way to answer this call. The location is in a remote area of the Dnepropetrovsk Region. We learned about this place when we helped two young men go there. We are most thankful for your prayers and words of encouragement for all that God is doing here in Ukraine.

Monday, April 25, 2011

WORD OF THE DAY - Monday 25 April 2011 from Mykolaiv, Ukraine

Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who promised is faithful. (Hebrews 10:23)

будем держаться исповедания упования неуклонно, ибо верен Обещавший. (К Евреям 10:23 Russian)
Тримаймо непохитне визнання надії, вірний бо Той, Хто обіцяв. (Евреи 10:23 Ukrainian)

Mantengamos firme la profesión de nuestra fe sin fluctuar; que fiel es el que prometió: (Hebreos 10:23 Spanish)
Almighty God, our Dear Father in Heaven ~ Thank you for the electrifying gift of life on this new day that portends even more amazing blessings from your kindness and mercy. Fill our minds with more of your infinite wisdom as we study and meditate on your Scriptures. Give us courage and help us to remain totally committed to the one true faith of Jesus Christ even as our Savior remained faithful to the end. In the name of Jesus we pray, Amen.

We had 11 for worship services yesterday and one came in time for the fellowship meal. Pavel sported a self-tied tie for the first time in his life as he led the congregation during the Lord's Supper. He continues to grow in his knowledge of God's word as he maintains a humble attitude when he makes comments that encourage others. His mother Nadya prepared very tasty breast of chicken sandwiches for our period of fellowship that always turns into a Bible Question and Answer period as well as getting better acquainted. Our brother Olamide brought two fellow students from the Maritime University who had also studied at the same Maritime Institute he did in Lagos, Nigeria. Our brother Stepan led the church in a most thoughtful and sincere prayer. Sasha, who works as a guard and person in charge downstairs, said it was the first time he had seen a child come to services by herself.  Anastasia - who prefers to be called Nastya, told us that her parents had heard that we had Bible classes for children and she wanted to come. Galina and I met her in the entranceway and told her that she might be the only child there and she still wanted to stay. We had a good visit with this mature thinking 11 year old who is seeking the truth and we hope we will not disappoint her or her parents. As we walked home yesterday we were greeted by the delicate petals of cherry and apricot trees with fresh scents of spring. We are very thankful for all blessings in Christ and look forward to doing our best to study with 6 different people today. Thank you for the prayers.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

WORD OF THE DAY - Sunday 24 April 2011 from Mykolaiv, Ukraine

For since we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so, through Jesus, God will bring with him those who have fallen asleep. (1 Thessalonians 4:14 ESV)
Ибо, если мы веруем, что Иисус умер и воскрес, то и умерших в Иисусе Бог приведет с Ним. (1-е Фессалоникийцам 4:14 Russian)
Коли бо ми віруємо, що Ісус був умер і воскрес, так і покійних через Ісуса приведе Бог із Ним. (1 Солунци 4:14 Ukrainian)

Porque si creemos que Jesús murió y resucitó, así también traerá Dios con él á los que durmieron en Jesús. (1 Tesalonicenses 4:14 Spanish)

Dear LORD our God, whose love endures to all generations of people in all nations. Thank you for this brand new Lord’s Day, the day of the week that corresponds with the glorious resurrection of our Lord Jesus from the dead. Revive us again and again as we consider the wonderful hope of eternal life because of our obedient faith in Christ our blessed Savior who surrendered his earthly life as a sacrifice for our sins. Bless believers around the world who faithfully assemble on each first day of the week to honor our crucified, buried and risen Lord. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.
Yesterday, the boys at the Boys Home had other activities and we were not able to be with them on our usual time Saturday afternoon. Hopefully, we will have an opportunity to make up this important time on Monday or Tuesday. While I made another attempt to get caught up on correspondence, Galina spent some time puttering in the kitchen. One of the products to appear was some colored Easter eggs. She does it with fresh leaves from spring onions, and wasn't pleased with the color but had fun. We will take them along with the cake to share with our group today after worship service. When we leave our apartment to go just about anywhere, we usually take some chicken bones for the cats who hang around the dumpster. They most likely remember Sonya who was constantly petting them all last summer. After going around town buying me whatever cold medicine we could find (I used up all the Corycidin sp? we brought with us.), we paid for our cable and internet modem that we use when we're at the church office. Then, we walked to the central market and were very pleased to see so many people and lots of fruits and vegetables. A few items have started coming from our region of southern Ukraine and Crimea, but most fresh products are still coming from Turkey. That will change very soon according to the wonderful weather God is blessing this region with. We hope to have some visitors today, but in any event, it will be a great joy to assemble with the few saints who meet at the House of Culture - Construction. Thank you for the prayers as we labor and wait for God's harvest.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

WORD OF THE DAY - Saturday 23 April 2011 from Mykolaiv, Ukraine

And Joseph took the body, and wrapped it in a clean linen cloth, and laid it in his own new tomb, which he had hewn out in the rock: and he rolled a great stone to the door of the tomb, and departed. (Matthew 27:59-60)

и, взяв тело, Иосиф обвил его чистою плащаницею и положил его в новом своем гробе, который высек он в скале; и, привалив большой камень к двери гроба, удалился. (От Матфея 27:59-60 Russian)
І взяв Йосип Ісусове тіло, обгорнув його плащаницею чистою, і поклав його в гробі новому своїм, що був висік у скелі. До дверей гробових привалив він великого каменя, та й відійшов. (Матей 27:59-60 Ukrainian)
Y tomando José el cuerpo, lo envolvió en una sábana limpia, Y lo puso en su sepulcro nuevo, que había labrado en la peña: y revuelta una grande piedra á la puerta del sepulcro, se fué. (Mateo 27:59-60 Spanish)

Most Holy God, our Dear Father in Heaven ~ Thank you for the absolute joy we experience on this new day as we consider how blessed we are because of your amazing grace. Open our eyes of understanding so that we will more fully appreciate that Jesus really went through the dreaded experience of human death. Give us wisdom and courage to do our best to convince skeptical people about your wonderful plan of salvation that involved the death and burial of your One and Only Son in whom we trust for eternal life. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.
It is another fabulous weather day for this Saturday morning here in Mykolaiv. Yesterday we had a very productive study with our most advanced student – Anna. This mother of a young daughter previously worked as an English teacher but now stays at home with her pre-school child. She is also doing part-time work as an English tutor thanks to Galina’s encouragement. After that we had our next WEI student Roman. He is also making good progress. He is the one who invited us to the meeting of the Nikolaev English Club. He said everyone enjoyed our visit and we didn’t say anything to embarrass him. We enjoy his good sense of humor and his hospitable attitude. While he was there our friend Irina stopped by to finalize our approval of the proofs for our upcoming advertising campaign that begins next week and last through the month of May. Irina and her husband operate this successful agency together. This advertising campaign invites people to pre-enroll in our English classes that will be conducted during our World English Institute intensive 6 week effort here in Nikolaev. This will be our first such concentrated effort here in this city. We hope you are joining us in prayer that we will meet people who will be sincerely interested in the Bible’s message about salvation through obedient faith in Jesus Christ. When we completed our work at the office, we had a nice walk back to the center of the city and enjoyed noticing that the maple trees are beginning to have leaves. Canada has adopted the maple tree, and Vermont also identifies with the maple. Ukraine has an abundance of maple trees in all of the eastern and southern parts of the country. Possibly in western Ukraine also, but we’ve not been there so someone else will have to tell us about that. We look forward to having some visitors tomorrow since it is also Easter Sunday on the Orthodox calendar. Normally, it falls on a different date, but this year it is the same. In Russia and Ukraine, they do not use the anglicized version of the pagan word Easter. They use a word pascha Пасха that more correctly represents Passover. Nearly all English versions of the New Testament now use the word Passover in Acts 12:4 which is the only place it occurred in the King James Version of the Bible. So, have a Happy First Day of the Week!

Friday, April 22, 2011

WORD OF THE DAY - Friday 22 April 2011 from Nikolaev, Ukraine

Then were there two thieves crucified with him, one on the right hand, and another on the left.  And they that passed by reviled him, wagging their heads, (Matthew 27:38-39)

Тогда распяты с Ним два разбойника: один по правую сторону, а другой по левую. Проходящие же злословили Его, кивая головами своими (От Матфея 27:38-39 Russian)
Тоді розп'ято з Ним двох розбійників: одного праворуч, а одного ліворуч. А хто побіч проходив, Його лихословили та головами своїми хитали, (Матей 27:38-39 Ukrainian)

Entonces crucificaron con él dos ladrones, uno á la derecha, y otro á la izquierda. Y los que pasaban, le decían injurias, meneando sus cabezas, (Mateo 27:38-39 Spanish)
Almighty God, Creator of the entire universe ~ Thank you for this new day and opportunities to serve our Lord Jesus Christ in more noble and useful ways. Even today, people continue to deride the truth about the vicarious death of Jesus. Give us wisdom so that we will be able to share the details regarding the suffering and death of Christ on the cross for our sins and all people of the world in such a manner that they too will be convicted of their sins and need of a Savior. In the blessed name of Jesus we pray, Amen.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

WORD OF THE DAY - Thursday 21 April 2011 from Nikolaev, Ukraine

And he went out; bearing his own cross, to the place called The Place of a Skull, which in Aramaic is called Golgotha. (John 19:17)

И, неся крест Свой, Он вышел на место, называемое Лобное, по-еврейски Голгофа; (От Иоанна 19:17 Russian)
І, нісши Свого хреста, Він вийшов на місце, Череповищем зване, по-гебрейському Голгофа. (Йоан 19:17 Ukrainian)

Y llevando su cruz, salió al lugar que se dice de la Calavera, y en hebreo, Gólgotha; (Juan 19:17 Spanish)
Dear Father in Heaven ~ Thank you for the expensive gift of life on this bright new day that arrives with hope for renewal because of your great love for all people.  We have no knowledge of any earthly king, potentate, president or leader of people who ever gave himself for his people in the way Christ sacrificed himself for our sins so that we can live with him forever. What a wonderful Savior! Our glorious King – Jesus, your Only Begotten Son! Give us a portion of your perfect wisdom so that we will repeat the truth to all people so that they can believe and obey the gospel message and be saved. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.

Yesterday we concentrated on having some rest to help battle this cold virus. Galina is an exceptional nurse, and we were able to accomplish many things while she treated me with a scarf around my neck. I always refuse to wear those uncomfortable things. By the middle of the day I was slowly getting my voice back, but during our Wednesday evening service, it had almost disappeared. It was good that Pavel was prepared to conduct the Bible class for the second time. He did a good job preparing his lesson. and continues to show much promise as a teacher of the Word. Today we hope to complete our advertising arrangements. Thank you for the prayers.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

WORD OF THE DAY - Wednesday 20 April 2011 from Nikolaev, Ukraine

So he delivered him over to them to be crucified. So they took Jesus, (John 19:16 ESV)

Тогда наконец он предал Его им на распятие. И взяли Иисуса и повели. (От Иоанна 19:16 Russian)

Ось тоді він їм видав Його, щоб розп'ясти... І взяли Ісуса й повели...  (Йоан 19:16 Ukrainian)

Así que entonces lo entregó á ellos para que fuese crucificado. Y tomaron á Jesús, y le llevaron. (Juan 19:16 Spanish)

Dear Heavenly Father ~ Thank you for another day that sparkles with a positive flow of blessings from your eternal heart of love. Forgive us mortals for not properly understanding the purpose of Christ coming to this earth. We feel the shame of those who treated your perfect Son in such a demeaning manner. Forgive us as we ponder over the love that was displayed for all humanity by the way Jesus endured the mockery of human justice and died for our sins. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.

Monday, April 4, 2011

WORD OF THE DAY - Sunday 03 April 2011 Mykolaiv, Ukraine

I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; for kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. (1 Timothy 2:1-2)

Итак прежде всего прошу совершать молитвы, прошения, моления, благодарения за всех человеков, за царей и за всех начальствующих, дабы проводить нам жизнь тихую и безмятежную во всяком благочестии и чистоте, (1-е Тимофею 2:1-2 Russian)
Отже, перш над усе я благаю чинити молитви, благання, прохання, подяки за всіх людей, за царів та за всіх, хто при владі, щоб могли ми провадити тихе й мирне життя в усякій побожності та чистості. (1 Тимотей 2:1-2 Ukrainian)

AMONESTO pues, ante todas cosas, que se hagan rogativas, oraciones, peticiones, hacimientos de gracias, por todos los hombres; Por los reyes y por todos los que están en eminencia, para que vivamos quieta y reposadamente en toda piedad y honestidad. (1 Timoteo 2:1-2 Spanish)
Dear God our Savior ~ Thank you for this new Lord’s Day and the special privilege to assemble with others who have the same faith in our Lord Jesus Christ who died for our sins, was buried and rose again on the third day. We know you love every soul and we thank you Father for allowing us to know many different people. Give us wisdom as we learn better how to handle the truth, so that others will come to have knowledge of the truth and obey the gospel of salvation. Help all people in the world to make the choice to follow Jesus when they have the opportunity to know him as Lord. Give world leaders the wisdom needed to lead in peace and prosperity for all citizens of their respective countries. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.
We made it home safely around 07.00 this morning. We are so thrilled to be back in Nikolaev with the stamp in our passports that legitimizes our continued stay in Ukraine. Now we are rushing to prepare for our worship and other Lord’s Day activities. The nice young lady at the passport office (not really the name of the place – our designation) told us earlier in the week that the office was open from 08.00 to 15.00 on Saturdays. Well, we got there around 08.30 and the doors were locked. A person appeared and said they open at 09.00. So we went for a little walk around the center of Slavyansk and stopped and had a cup of coffee at at little cafeteria on Shevchenko street. That’s the street that Galina walked so many times with Sonya when she was helping her Mama in the hospital. We came back to the passport office about three minutes past nine, and were told that the staff was on a possible illegal immigrant inspection and would return at 10.00. So, we decided to go for another walk. This time we walked down to the bus station and bought our tickets from Slavyansk to Donetsk. At least we were able to accomplish something useful. We returned and got our place in line and finally around 11.45 we received our passports with the stamp authorizing us to remain in Ukraine with the 5 year multi-entry visas that we already have. It’s a complicated process and I will not even start to try and describe all the hassles people go through in order to have their legal residence in the former Soviet Union. The first picture above is the old typography building where the Slavyansk Church of Christ previously met for several years before they bought the property where they now meet. It is always interesting to take note of people doing their jobs in the morning. As I’ve pointed out before, the street sweeping jobs are reserved for women in the old USSR. We took a little break in the area of the city square for one more shot of Lenin’s statue. As we left Donetsk last night Galina noticed a beautiful memorial on the road heading to Mariupol. We passed through Berdyansk, Melitopol and Kherson before arriving in Nikolaev. Those are the towns where we had a rest-room break. We are a bit travel weary, but really looking forward to meeting with our group here today and the rest of this week. Thanks for the prayers for our safe travels.