For since we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so, through Jesus, God will bring with him those who have fallen asleep. (1 Thessalonians 4:14 ESV)
Porque si creemos que Jesús murió y resucitó, así también traerá Dios con él á los que durmieron en Jesús. (1 Tesalonicenses 4:14 Spanish)
Dear LORD our God, whose love endures to all generations of people in all nations. Thank you for this brand new Lord’s Day, the day of the week that corresponds with the glorious resurrection of our Lord Jesus from the dead. Revive us again and again as we consider the wonderful hope of eternal life because of our obedient faith in Christ our blessed Savior who surrendered his earthly life as a sacrifice for our sins. Bless believers around the world who faithfully assemble on each first day of the week to honor our crucified, buried and risen Lord. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.
Ибо, если мы веруем, что Иисус умер и воскрес, то и умерших в Иисусе Бог приведет с Ним. (1-е Фессалоникийцам 4:14 Russian)
Коли бо ми віруємо, що Ісус був умер і воскрес, так і покійних через Ісуса приведе Бог із Ним. (1 Солунци 4:14 Ukrainian)Porque si creemos que Jesús murió y resucitó, así también traerá Dios con él á los que durmieron en Jesús. (1 Tesalonicenses 4:14 Spanish)
Dear LORD our God, whose love endures to all generations of people in all nations. Thank you for this brand new Lord’s Day, the day of the week that corresponds with the glorious resurrection of our Lord Jesus from the dead. Revive us again and again as we consider the wonderful hope of eternal life because of our obedient faith in Christ our blessed Savior who surrendered his earthly life as a sacrifice for our sins. Bless believers around the world who faithfully assemble on each first day of the week to honor our crucified, buried and risen Lord. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.
Yesterday, the boys at the Boys Home had other activities and we were not able to be with them on our usual time Saturday afternoon. Hopefully, we will have an opportunity to make up this important time on Monday or Tuesday. While I made another attempt to get caught up on correspondence, Galina spent some time puttering in the kitchen. One of the products to appear was some colored Easter eggs. She does it with fresh leaves from spring onions, and wasn't pleased with the color but had fun. We will take them along with the cake to share with our group today after worship service. When we leave our apartment to go just about anywhere, we usually take some chicken bones for the cats who hang around the dumpster. They most likely remember Sonya who was constantly petting them all last summer. After going around town buying me whatever cold medicine we could find (I used up all the Corycidin sp? we brought with us.), we paid for our cable and internet modem that we use when we're at the church office. Then, we walked to the central market and were very pleased to see so many people and lots of fruits and vegetables. A few items have started coming from our region of southern Ukraine and Crimea, but most fresh products are still coming from Turkey. That will change very soon according to the wonderful weather God is blessing this region with. We hope to have some visitors today, but in any event, it will be a great joy to assemble with the few saints who meet at the House of Culture - Construction. Thank you for the prayers as we labor and wait for God's harvest.
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