Sunday, April 4, 2010

WORD OF THE DAY - Sunday 04 April 2010

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to his abundant mercy has given us a new birth into a living hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, and to an inheritance that is incorruptible and undefiled, and unfading, reserved in heaven for you, who are kept by the power of God through faith to salvation ready to be revealed in the last time. (1 Peter 1:3-5)

Благословен Бог и Отец Господа нашего Иисуса Христа, по великой Своей милости возродивший нас воскресением Иисуса Христа из мертвых к упованию живому, к наследству нетленному, чистому, неувядаемому, хранящемуся на небесах для вас, силою Божиею через веру соблюдаемых ко спасению, готовому открыться в последнее время. (1-e Петра 1:3-5 Russian)

Благословенний Бог і Отець Господа нашого Ісуса Христа, що великою Своєю милістю відродив нас до живої надії через воскресення з мертвих Ісуса Христа, на спадщину нетлінну й непорочну та нев'янучу, заховану в небі для вас, що ви бережені силою Божою через віру на спасіння, яке готове з'явитися останнього часу. (1 Петрово 1:3-5 Ukrainian)

Our Dear Father in Heaven ~ Thank you for the gift of new life on this glorious Lord’s Day. Bless Christians around the world with the determination to become more familiar with your scriptures and to live humble and obedient lives as we seek to honor Christ each day and not only once or twice per year. We are amazed at your grace that we can have the highest hopes for eternal life because of what Jesus did for us in His death, burial and resurrection from the dead. Give us more of your forgiving nature as we seek to emulate our Master and Lord. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.

We arrived early yesterday for our appointment with the boys who are interned at the special orphan's home. One photo shows Galina standing next to the Entry Point. No one can enter or leave without permission from the guard on duty. We anticipated having 17, but due to the Easter holiday, we only had 9. The 8 others have some family with rights to them, and they went to be with them for the weekend. These who spent time with us have no family, or anyone who wants to be responsible for them. It turned out to be the best situation since we were able to spend more time with them and get to know each boy better. They range in age from 12 to 16. The lesson I presented to them after we got acquainted was on Becoming a Person of Good Character. These boys are all very bright and respond positively to adult attention. They enjoyed the toys we brought for them and we shared some chocolate bars together. They were very open to us, and as I talked to them from the Bible about lying, stealing and cheating, there hands were constantly going up to make a comment. One young man knows a great deal of English and has the capacity to become a language interpreter with some further education. When we left, the boys enjoyed Galina's hugs and they look forward to our next visit this coming Saturday afternoon. Their teacher was very cooperative and polite. Margarita told us that the boys truly enjoyed their time with us and she looks forward to seeing us again. God has opened up another door of opportunity here in Nikolaev, Ukraine. We are hoping that after we establish some trust with the administration of the Home, we will be allowed to bring some of the boys to our church services. Thank you for the many prayers.

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