Tuesday, April 13, 2010

WORD OF THE DAY - Tuesday 13 April 2010

And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us. (Romans 5:5 NIV)

а надежда не постыжает, потому что любовь Божия излилась в сердца наши Духом Святым, данным нам. (К Римлянам 5:5 Russian)

а надія не засоромить, бо любов Божа вилилася в наші серця Святим Духом, даним нам. (Римляни 5:5 Ukrainian)

LORD Almighty ~ Our Dear Heavenly Father ~ Thank you for the enlivening gift of life that ignites our mortal bodies with true hope and joy. Give us wisdom as we walk in step with the Spirit by following Christ our Lord. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.

Yesterday we enjoyed a happy reunion with our 4th and 5th year English students at the University. There were more than we expected, so we had to move to the larger room. It is also furnished nice and we expect to use it next week. Tatyana, the department head, introduced me by saying that I didn't need any introduction with them, and her assistant Lyesa, was also in the room for a few minutes before she had to go to her class. We had great participation with about half the group answering some of the questions that I put to them from the Bible. They are very happy that we are back and they look forward to next week. This morning before 09.00, we had a meeting with Vladimir, the director of the Boy's Home, and gave him the money they needed in order to purchase a sound system for their auditorium. Our sponsoring church received a surprise donation that made it possible for us to do this good work. Galina is always with me to help me remember certain important details of things that I have prepared to present, and she is the one who is always taking pictures. Thanks for the prayers and encouragement.

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