I had walked several blocks yesterday on a street that I don't normally travel on just to find some fresh places to put up our advertisements for our English classes using the Bible along with the World English Institute lessons. The lady who is running this little shop selling items of convenience including some fresh fruits is typical of many people in Ukraine looking to cash in on this time when a few more people seem to have a little disposable income. Yesterday we were given our notice to pay the rent on the church meeting place. Thankfully the new "owners" or managers did not raise the rent. Some are complaining about the heat around the world, but personally speaking - it is much more pleasant to walk with some drips of moisture on your back, and it doesn't freeze. Today as I made my daily visit to McDonald's since Galina is not here, I met another American. He has been here for a year and was just returning to Nikolaev from a visit abroad. He works with the Peace Corps. We will get better acquainted later. My new friend Chuck left early this morning for Odessa to begin the trek back to his home in California. My Internet Service Provider likes to play games with everyone around the first of the month. No connection was available from around 05.30 until 09.00. This method works to get folks to run to their office with the cash. Nothing like having a monopoly I suppose. In retrospect, we have the corner on the market with the truth. The faithful, sincere and energetic teaching of the truth contained in the word about salvation through obedient faith in Jesus Christ as the Son of God will bring results like nothing else in the world. Galina told me this morning that she fell down the steps carrying a load of clothes she had washed in the tub out to the clothes line. The steps are the slippery steel type like sailors run up and down aboard ships. She said her dignity is mostly bruised. Her mama Elena has one wound that they thought was healing good, but this morning it is not looking so good. The nurse comes around 11.00. Thanks for the prayers.
So the churches were strengthened in the faith, and increased in number daily. (Acts 16:5)
И церкви утверждались верою и ежедневно увеличивались числом. (Деяния 16:5 Russian)
А Церкви зміцнювалися в вірі, і щоденно зростали кількістю. (Деяния 16:5(Ukrainian)
Most Kind and Merciful God, our Dear Father in Heaven ~ Thank you for the superb blessings from your grace that crown this new day. Give us wisdom as we study your word so that we will grow in our faith and love. Help the elders, preachers and teachers in churches around the world to teach lessons that will build up the faith of all believers so that there will not be a widespread apostasy among Christians. Open our eyes of understanding so that we will be reminded that daily teaching of the truth brings daily growth. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.
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