Apparently the city must have received some funding for public works projects. This hole in the street has been in this spot next to our apartment building since a year ago. There are not any visible major projects going on to improve the infrastructure - just various attempts to patch things up. My meeting in the afternoon with the prospect who called interested in studying English didn't turn out too favorably. She didn't have enough knowledge of English even to read the most simple words. But, she has a desire to know enough to get to America. Unfortunately that doesn't translate into a prospective student of the Bible. That's OK, we get to meet all kinds of people each day. Also, one woman who works as an administrative assistant at a security company that has an office in the same building came over to introduce herself and promised to visit the church sometime when she has time off. Both of these people received literature with information about the Lord Jesus Christ. Galina gave me her daily report on her work as an orderly, nurse, cook and housekeeper. What is even harder than taking care of Mama is the preparation for Sonya to leave tomorrow when Maya arrives. That brings on the tears for both of them. Thanks for your prayers.
The beautiful park that surrounds the palace of culture where the church meets is normally well cared for. This year no one has been cutting the grass. Yesterday, some workers must have finally received an invitation to do something about the grounds where many neighborhood families like to spend time all the year round.
On one of the shortcuts that I take in my walk to where the church meets, I regularly see many containers coming from the port in Odessa. Containers find their way all over the world. It is like looking at a geography book when you think about all the places those shipping containers have been. This one belonged to a company in the USA at one time.
Marigolds decorate an area near a large memorial in the center of the city here in Nikolaev, and one of the many beer gardens has taken over the sidewalk in front.
When they heard these things they fell silent. And they glorified God, saying, “Then to the Gentiles also God has granted repentance that leads to life." (Acts 11:18 ESV)
Выслушав это, они успокоились и прославили Бога, говоря: видно, и язычникам дал Бог покаяние в жизнь. (Деяния 11:18 Russian)
І, почувши таке, замовкли вони, і Бога хвалили, говорячи: Отож, і поганам Бог дав покаяння в життя! (Деяния 11:18 Ukrainian)
Most Glorious and Praiseworthy God, our Dear Heavenly Father ~ Thank you for the precious gift of life on this new day that arrives with fresh opportunities to utilize our many blessings for accomplishing good. Give us wisdom so that we also will completely understand that salvation through faith in Christ is available to every person in the world who hears, believes and obeys the gospel message. Help us to be more effective in announcing the Good News about true life to the billions of people in places like Asia, India, Africa and the Middle East. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.
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