Nikolai used his influence to make it possible for us to teach at the School and Home for Boys where he was one of the co-founders. Here the current administration had invited him to attend a board meeting and we were also invited to come. The church will truly miss his kind disposition, warm smiles and sincere love for Christ and His church. Some people come to Christ at an early age and give many years service to the Lord. Others like Nikolai only learn about Jesus Christ and the wonderful plan of salvation when they are in twilight of days on this earth. Nevertheless, in the six months that we have known him, he was faithful to the Lord and used his time and energy to further the cause of Christ here in Ukraine. Last night at our usual Wednesday night meeting, we could hardly sing as we missed his booming voice that was full of love for the Lord. We say a tearful goodbye to our dear friend and brother, but look forward to a joyful reunion in the land beyond the river. Thank you for the prayers for this evangelistic mission.
He was always willing to lead the congregation at the Lord's Supper and made good comments about Christ's sacrifice for our sins.
Yesterday morning we received a phone call informing us that our dearly beloved brother in Christ NIKOLAI I. TKHOR died around 03.00 in the morning. His granddaughter informed us and invited me to make some comments at a gathering of friends and family in the courtyard area of the apartment building where they live. We met him last autumn and began to study the scriptures with him. He had already learned much truth from some sisters that he met in Kiev while on a vacation and they invited him to church with them. He was curious to know more, and began to watch to the national TV broadcast by our brother Alexander Prokupchuk from Donetsk. He recorded most of the lessons and would play them over again for study. He confessed his faith in Jesus Christ with much absolute sincerity and was baptized into Christ this past December. He served the Lord faithfully using his many years of influence in Ukraine's education ministry where he was employed prior to retirement. He was a great inspiration to other members of the church with his enthusiastic singing and good speaking ability. He only wanted to know the truth and teach the truth from God's word. He was with us in worship this past Sunday and we had a good fellowship together.
Then I heard a voice from heaven say, "Write: Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on." "Yes," says the Spirit, "they will rest from their labor, for their deeds will follow them." (Revelation 14:13 NIV)
И услышал я голос с неба, говорящий мне: напиши: отныне блаженны мертвые, умирающие в Господе; ей, говорит Дух, они успокоятся от трудов своих, и дела их идут вслед за ними. (Откровение 14:13 Russian)
І почув я голос із неба, що до мене казав: Напиши: Блаженні ті мертві, хто з цього часу вмирає в Господі! Так, каже Дух, вони від праць своїх заспокояться, бо їхні діла йдуть за ними слідом. (Откровение 14:13 Ukrainian)
God of all peace and comfort, our Dear Heavenly Father ~ Thank you for this new day and the realization that we have your abiding presence to walk with us through the darkest and most fearful times of this life. Give us wisdom to comprehend the meaning of our life so that we will place high priority on things that matter for all eternity. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.
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