Sunday, July 18, 2010

WORD OF THE DAY - Sunday 18 July 2010 from Nikolaev, Ukraine

Jesus said to her, “You don’t need to hold on to me! But go to my brothers and tell them this: ‘I am going back to my Father and your Father. I am going back to my God and your God.’” (John 20:17 ERV)

Иисус говорит ей: не прикасайся ко Мне, ибо Я еще не восшел к Отцу Моему; а иди к братьям Моим и скажи им: восхожу к Отцу Моему и Отцу вашему, и к Богу Моему и Богу вашему. (От Иоанна 20:17 Russian)

Говорить до неї Ісус: Не торкайся до Мене, бо Я ще не зійшов до Отця. Але йди до братів Моїх та їм розповіж: Я йду до Свого Отця й Отця вашого, і до Бога Мого й Бога вашого! (Йоан 20:17 Ukrainian)

Dear Lord God, our Heavenly Father, we praise your name as holy ~ Thank you granting us the privilege to enjoy being with other brethren on this new Lord’s Day. Give us wisdom so that our faith in our resurrected Lord will remain unshakable. Open our eyes to see the people in our communities who are searching for answers to eternal life. Lead us to one more soul today and help us to teach them with an attitude of sincere love. Comfort us as we wait for the day of Christ’s appearing. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.

Yesterday we spoke with Victor Semikoz about the plans he and Oksana have to come to Nikolaev from Slavyansk to help us with our Summer Bible School. We agreed on the dates so that we can finalize our advertisements for this week. Their two boys are also coming, and Ilya and Nazar were such a big help in helping us bring children from the neighborhood. We are very excited about our second VBS for the young church here in Nikolaev. We are praying that some parents and grandparents will come and see what is being done as a few did last year. It is our hope that this outreach for the children will result in additional contacts for us to teach the gospel of Christ. The majority of children who came last year were from homes in which religion was not a significant factor. However, there seemed to be a desire on the part of the grandparents for the children to know God. We agreed with Margarita to have a session out at the Boy's Home. Pray for our Bible School that will be from 26 July to 30 July. Since we learned last week that we have some more orphans who need some basic items, we went shopping again at the big box retailer. We were able to purchase towels, soap, tooth paste, and we will have to search again today for tooth brushes. We already bought each boy some flip-flop type shoes for this summer and they also wear them around the home in the winter months. In our meeting with the director last week, I told him that he should just allow the church to meet at the Boys Home and collect some rent money that we are paying at the other place. He chuckled at that and maybe bristled at my boldness and we agreed that it is not possible or practical. I was just thinking, "With God all things are possible". While we were at the big store, we also bought most of our supplies for the Bible School. Sonya is very happy that she will get to be with us during the VBS. Thank you for the prayers and sincere encouragement.

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