Sunday, July 25, 2010

Sunday 25 July 2010 from Mykolayiv, Ukraine

And every day, in the temple and from house to house, they did not cease teaching and preaching Jesus as the Christ. (Acts 5:42 ESV)

И всякий день в храме и по домам не переставали учить и благовествовать об Иисусе Христе. (Деяния 5:42 Russian)

І щоденно у храмі й домах безупинно навчали, і звіщали Євангелію Ісуса Христа. (Деяния 5:42 Ukrainian)

O LORD, our Lord, How Majestic is your Name in all the earth! Thank you, Dear Father in Heaven for this new Lord’s Day. Bless believers as we congregate in various locations around the world to celebrate our faith in Jesus Christ as the risen Savior and Lord. Give leaders of churches and Christians a revival of interest in the daily proclamation of the blessed gospel that brings salvation to those who hear, believe and obey. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.

Yesterday was a beautiful weather day in Mykolayiv with balmy breezes and the summer heat was just barely above 80. There is normally some event scheduled on Saturdays near the park on Sovietskaya Street. This event involved young BMX professionals showing off the tricks they can do with their bikes. It appears to me to be something like boys who got bored with skate boarding and moved on up. Anyway, lots of people were there and that provided an opportunity for me to hand out some invitations to our meetings. There were no promises, but my little cards contain the plan of salvation on the back and perhaps this will catch someone's attention. We have to be active as possible here while the sun in shining. Things can quickly change in this new climate in Ukraine of so much leaning toward mother Russia. Please pray for the church in Magadan since they have been given a new notice that they have only ten days to comply with an order from the Prosecutor regarding a name change for the church. I'm not certain what the "or else" will be if the church fails to comply with this order. But the warning was strongly worded. The order only has to do with the grammatical cases of Russian language, and will not make any difference to the church's identity or message. However, it is an interference by the law of the land in the internal affairs of a local church. Thank you for your fervent prayers.

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