Monday, November 29, 2010

WORD OF THE DAY - Monday 29 November 2010

And he is the head of the body, the church: who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead; that in all things he might have the preeminence. For it was the good pleasure of the Father that in him should all the fullness dwell. (Colossians 1:18-19)

И Он есть глава тела Церкви; Он--начаток, первенец из мертвых, дабы иметь Ему во всем первенство, ибо благоугодно было [Отцу], чтобы в Нем обитала всякая полнота, (К Колоссянам 1:18-19 Russian)

І Він Голова тіла, Церкви. Він початок, первороджений з мертвих, щоб у всьому Він мав ершенство. Бо вгодно було, щоб у Нім перебувала вся повнота, (Колосяни 1:18-19 Ukrainian)
Y él es la cabeza del cuerpo que es la iglesia; él que es el principio, el primogénito de los muertos, para que en todo tenga el primado. Por cuanto agradó al Padre que en él habitase toda plenitud, (Colosenses 1:18-19 Spanish)

Photo: This picture was made while we were on our last visit to Inta. Someone asked me yesterday when we were planning to return to our work in Ukraine and Russia. I responded that we plan to go back in early January. Then he suggested that we should not go in such bad weather. We do not go as tourists. We go to live among the people in the same conditions and circumstances that they must endure each day. It is our pleasure to be with our dear brothers and sisters in the former Soviet Union when they have nice warm weather, and also when they learn how to find beauty in God's blessing of a fresh snowfall. We have a few students from Nikolaev who continue to study their World English Institute lesson using the Bible. They do their lessons on-line and we grade their lessons and send them comments regarding their answers. It is amazing to observe how their knowledge and understanding of the Bible and English grows with each lesson. Thank you for your prayers and constant encouragement.

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