Yesterday evening as we made our daily walk around the neighborhood we noticed the trailing end of a large storm system as it passed over us. This morning the temperatures are a bit chilly again after several days of being warm. The air is very pleasant with that autumn crispness. We had planned to visit our granddaughter Adelaide at special school luncheon in Marietta, Georgia on Tuesday, but she became sick with a high fever and we had to postpone that special meeting. We hope to see her and her brothers very soon. We have three students from Nikolaev who are now regularly studying with us on-line. Galina and I pray that they will continue to grow in their knowledge of English and the Bible while studying the World English Institute courses. Thank you for the many faithful prayers regarding our work to spread the blessed gospel of Christ in Ukraine and Russia.
Sasha, an artist friend of ours who works in the building where the church meets in Nikolaev gave us this painting and we recently had it framed and hung it on the wall here in Montgomery. He knows about our love for the boys and chose just the right scene for us. This is the place on the river near the Boys Home where we spend quality time with several orphan boys.
How shall we escape if we ignore so great a salvation? This salvation, which was first announced by the Lord, was confirmed to us by those who heard him. God also testified to it by signs, wonders and various miracles, and by gifts of the Holy Spirit distributed according to his will. (Hebrews 2:3-4 NIV)
то как мы избежим, вознерадев о толиком спасении, которое, быв сначала проповедано Господом, в нас утвердилось слышавшими [от Него], при засвидетельствовании от Бога знамениями и чудесами, и различными силами, и раздаянием Духа Святаго по Его воле? (К Евреям 2:3-4 Russian)
то як ми втечемо, коли ми не дбали про таке велике спасіння? Воно проповідувалося спочатку від Господа, ствердилося нам через тих, хто почув, коли Бог був засвідчив ознаками й чудами, і різними силами та обдаруванням Духом Святим із волі Своєї. (Евреи 2:3-4 Ukrainian)
¿Cómo escaparemos nosotros, si tuviéremos en poco una salud tan grande? La cual, habiendo comenzado á ser publicada por el Señor, ha sido confirmada hasta nosotros por los que oyeron; Testificando juntamente con ellos Dios, con señales y milagros, y diversas maravillas, y repartimientos del Espíritu Santo según su voluntad. (Hebreos 2:3-4 Spanish)
Most Awesome and Holy God, our Dear Heavenly Father ~ Thank you for this splendid new day and the awareness that we are your very special creatures who possess the possibility of eternal life in your presence. Give us wisdom as we follow the teachings revealed in the scriptures. Help us not to be deceived by those charlatans today who charm people into believing that an ordinary event is somehow equal to the supernatural miracles performed by Christ and others whom you chose to reveal your will. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.
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