И кто сделает вам зло, если вы будете ревнителями доброго? (1-e Петра 3:13 Russian)
І хто заподіє вам зле, коли будете ви оборонцями доброго? (1 Петрово 3:13 Ukrainian)
¿Y quién es aquel que os podrá dañar, si vosotros seguís el bien? (1 Pedro 3:13 Spanish)
Most Kind and Merciful God, our Dear Father in Heaven ~ Thank you for the sparkling gift of life on this new day that arrives with wonderful blessings from your providence. Give us courage so that when persecution comes we will be prepared to endure since we know how Christ suffered and yet He arose triumphantly from the grave. Help us to find great satisfaction in this life by enthusiastically pursuing what is good. We pray In the precious name of Jesus, Amen.
Photo 1: One of our regular guests recently is Nadya who is the grandmother of Zhenya.
Photo 2: Galina was helping Zhenya to stamp some books that our brother Nikolay wants to use in the prison ministry that he works with in cooperation with the Obolon Church of Christ in Kiev.
Photo 3: Zhenya was in our worship services and also during our time of fellowship. His brother Dima came to see us as we were about to leave. We hope to get to know both of these boys better and begin a Bible class with them. They came with their grandmother Nadya. After the worship service and time of fellowship and stimulating discussion on various needs that exists in the very poor prison system, we walked back to town on the very slippery roads. We stopped at one of our favorite little neighborhood stores to buy some supplies since it was Galina's first day to venture out in a few days. We were doing pretty well until we came to the center of town, and had our first fall on the ice. We were crossing a street that was very icy, and we just got in a little too much of a hurry. We both went down together and sort of cushioned each other so we didn't suffer any serious bruises. "Take heed lest ye fall". One nice young boy and his mother quickly came to our aid and helped us get up and regain our confidence. Today we have three people scheduled to study English with us using the WEI lessons and the Bible. We always look forward to this and hope that it will help them grow in their understanding of the Bible and faith in Christ.
Photo 4: Yesterday we had 9 people present for our morning worship. Stepan and Ludmila like to sit downstairs near the entrance to the Palace of Culture where the church meets. This way they can get an eye on who is coming into the building and possibly have a chance to invite someone to our worship services.
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