От одной крови Он произвел весь род человеческий для обитания по всему лицу земли, назначив предопределенные времена и пределы их обитанию, дабы они искали Бога, не ощутят ли Его и не найдут ли, хотя Он и недалеко от каждого из нас. (Деяния 17:26-27 Russian)
І ввесь людський рід Він з одного створив, щоб замешкати всю поверхню землі, і призначив окреслені доби й границі замешкання їх, щоб Бога шукали вони, чи Його не відчують і не знайдуть, хоч Він недалеко від кожного з нас. (Деяния 17:26-27 Ukrainian)
Y de una sangre ha hecho todo el linaje de los hombres, para que habitasen sobre toda la faz de la tierra; y les ha prefijado el orden de los tiempos, y los términos de los habitación de ellos; Para que buscasen á Dios, si en alguna manera, palpando, le hallen; aunque cierto no está lejos de cada uno de nosotros: (Hechos 17:26-27 Spanish)
Almighty God, the Architect and Creator of all that lives and exists – Thank you Dear Father for the precious gift of life that resides in our earthly bodies until the day when our body is put to rest. Renew within us a sense of awe and wonder about the place where you dwell and where we are invited to come and live for all eternity. Give us wisdom to grasp the oneness of the entire human race so that we will be extra careful to focus upon our mutual needs and longings as we tell the lost about Jesus our Lord and Savior. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.
Yesterday afternoon, Galina felt like she needed to breathe some fresh air to help ward off whatever bug it is that has her under its grip. We needed to do a little shopping for some basic necessities, so we took a walk around town. We walked down our Sovietskaya Street which is the street that the city only allows pedestrian traffic so that people may stroll along the shops as a mall atmosphere. Near the central park, many local artists display their wares throughout the day. We also noticed yesterday that even when the temperature is around the freezing mark, the aficionados of chess and dominoes are always enjoying the company of their peers. Wouldn't it be wonderful if more folks had the same devotion toward activities that promote the will of Christ and His church? Thank you for the fervent and faithful prayers for Galina and for our work of teaching the Gospel of Christ here in Ukraine and God willing - later in Russia.
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