For it has been granted to you that for the sake of Christ you should not only believe in him but also suffer for his sake, (Philippians 1:29 ESV)
потому что вам дано ради Христа не только веровать в Него, но и страдать за Него (К Филиппийцам 1:29 Russian)
Бо вчинено вам за Христа добродійство, не тільки вірувати в Нього, але і страждати за Нього, (Филипяни 1:29 Ukrainian)Porque á vosotros es concedido por Cristo, no sólo que creáis en él, sino también que padezcáis por él, (Filipenses 1:29 Spanish)
Dear LORD, our Kind and Merciful Father in Heaven ~ Thank you for choosing us to receive the wonderful gift of salvation which we heard about from those who patiently taught the gospel to us. We praise you for blessing Mary with strength to endure so many sufferings as the earthly mother of our Lord and Christ. Thank you for all the faithful mothers around the world who suffer for the cause of Christ. Give all believers wisdom so that we will not whine and complain at the smallest insult or setback, but rather give us a spirit of joyfulness as we consider our wonderful salvation and that we have been chosen to receive the gift of suffering with Christ and His dear cause. In the blessed name of Jesus we pray, Amen. The rains finally stopped yesterday afternoon and we enjoyed a walk around town in the clean air. We rejoiced to see that the beautiful chestnut trees in the park were in full bloom. We also noticed as we walked through town a plaque honoring the famous Russian poet Pushkin. According to the information on the plaque, he travelled here in the early 1800's. Perhaps he came with some of the Russian royal family since we have noticed before that this was one of their favorite ports of call back in those days. Due to the rainy weather, the people who are installing our new large sign were not able to meet us at the church meeting place. So, we have that rescheduled for this morning. Today, we only have winds along with cool temperatures, but hopefully that should not impede their work. Thank you for the prayers that more souls will open their hearts to the gospel before it is too late.
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