Sunday, May 8, 2011

WORD OF THE DAY - Sunday 08 May 2011 from Nikolaev, Ukraine

We enjoyed another Saturday afternoon with our boys at the Boys Home.
Our help is in the name of the LORD, who made heaven and earth. (Psalm 124:8)

Помощь наша--в имени Господа, сотворившего небо и землю. (Псалтирь 124:8 Russian 123-8)
Наша поміч ув імені Господа, що вчинив небо й землю! (Псалми 124:8 Ukrainian)

We had one new boy Kolya (Nikolai), who recently joined this group from another orphans home. He's on the front left in the picture. He is a good reader and knows many Enlgish words.
Nuestra ayuda está en el nombre del SEñOR, Que hizo los cielos y la tierra. (Salmos 124:8 Spanish nblh)
Galina helped the boys read the Bible story from our lesson about good citizenship. The boys were especially distracted since it is a big holiday weekend and they were on the riverbank with their friends fishing when we arrived. It took a while to get their attention.
Dear LORD, our Holy Father in Heaven ~ Thank you for this new Lord’s Day on which sincere Christians around the world assemble to earnestly commemorate the death, burial and resurrection of Christ our dear Savior. Give us a greater portion of your infinite wisdom so that we will always realize that without your powerful presence to lead and guide us, we can accomplish nothing. In the blessed name of Jesus we pray, Amen.
When we finished, we had a nice cool and clear weather day to enoy our walk back across the river and up the long hill. God blesses us richly with this work and we are always challenged to be more kind and loving to these neglected and sometimes wayward boys. Thank you for praying for them and us as we remember you.

The boys woke up when we gave them some gifts of Hotwheels cars. They are their personal treasures.

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