Valya is struggling as a new Christian with opposition from her family members. We pray that God will give her the strength of faith that she needs to overcome this difficulty. We had intended to catch a bus to Slavyansk late yesterday afternoon, but due to various circumstances, the bus company we normally use now only goes every other day. So, we bought tickets for today. That means I will ride up there with Galina with the plan to be back here on Wednesday - God willing. Thank you for the prayers for this work of the Lord here in Nikolaev, Ukraine.
Following the worship, we enjoyed a period of fellowship and Bible study. Valya who had been absent for many weeks, appeared just as we were ending our worship service. At her request, we served her the Lord's Supper. We hope that she will grow in her faith and love of the Lord.
We had our usual small 'crowd' of five worshippers yesterday. Nikolai lead us in the first prayer, and Stepan led the closing prayer. Everyone sang praises to God with the fervor of our faith.
We love because he first loved us. (1 John 4:19)
Будем любить Его, потому что Он прежде возлюбил нас. (1-e Иоанна 4:19 Russian)
Ми любимо Його, бо Він перше нас полюбив. (1 Йоаново 4:19 Ukrainian)
Nosotros le amamos á él, porque él nos amó primero. (1 Juan 4:19 Spanish)
O LORD Most High, our Heavenly Father ~ Thank you for the extravagant gifts of your love that greet us on this new day. Give us wisdom so that we will carry out our duties as your children with the same love that we learn from Christ our Lord. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.
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