My walk carried me up to the top of the hill where the local administration has its offices. A prominent square is frequently visited by couples, individuals and families on weekends and holidays. A statue of Lenin, one of the early leaders of Soviet Communism, towers over the city. These days, the area has been taken over by skate boarders and successful people who now drive by in their new foreign made cars or stroll around showing off the latest European clothing fashions. Today we are expecting some visitors for worship. I hope it works out this way. Nick has agreed to help me as interpreter and this will be his first visit to our assembly. Thank you for remembering us in your prayers.
We continue to receive calls from our advertisements for English classes using the Bible along with the World English Institute lessons.
Mormon missionaries are very active in Ukraine. We frequently meet nice looking young Americans doing their mission work. Even though they are far from home, they survive here with the constant support of one another and a team of supervisors. When we meet, we exchange good natured greetings as fellow Americans do whenever we meet on foreign soil. These dynamic young folks regularly put their version of the plan of salvation on Sovietskaya Street. When rain washes it off, they are soon busy putting it back for all to see. Chalk art is very popular these days. You could say it is a good alternative to the spray painted art, but who am I to say. We have our sign on a board very close to their diagram.
Yesterday around dusk, I decided to take another long walk around the center of town. Even though it has been months since President Viktor Yanukovych won a hard fought election, the loyal opposition continues to purchase billboards promoting their candidates and their agendas. They don't just go quietly into the night when an election is over. Apparently they are laying ground work for the next election. I suppose politics is pretty much the same all over the world.
And they sang a new song: "You are worthy to take the scroll and to open its seals, because you were slain, and with your blood you purchased men for God from every tribe and language and people and nation. (Revelation 5:9 NIV)
И поют новую песнь, говоря: достоин Ты взять книгу и снять с нее печати, ибо Ты был заклан, и Кровию Своею искупил нас Богу из всякого колена и языка, и народа и племени, (Откровение 5:9 Russian)
І нову пісню співають вони, промовляючи: Ти достойний узяти цю книгу, і розкрити печатки її, бо Ти був заколений, і кров'ю Своєю Ти викупив людей Богові з усякого племени, і язика, і народу, і люду. (Откровение 5:9 Ukrainian)
Y entonaban este nuevo cántico: «Digno eres de recibir el rollo escrito y de romper sus sellos, porque fuiste sacrificado, y con tu sangre compraste para Dios gente de toda raza, lengua, pueblo y nación. (Apocalipsis 5:9 NVI Spanish)
Merciful God, our Dear Heavenly Father ~ Thank you for the joy we experience as we are greeted with spectacular blessings on this new Lord’s Day. Bless all believers around the world as we assemble in worship that honors our Savior who suffered with no one coming to His aid; shed his blood and died in order to make it possible for all people to inherit the ultimate dream of eternal life. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.
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