David Binkley and his wife Galina Binkley provide news about their Christian mission work in Ukraine and Russia. Valuable information about the people and culture of these great countries. Also included is a daily devotional message from the Bible: WORD OF THE DAY.
Saturday, September 25, 2010
WORD OF THE DAY - Saturday 25 September 2010 from Nikolaev, Ukraine
The four and twenty elders fall down before him that sat on the throne, and worship him that liveth forever and ever, and cast their crowns before the throne, saying, Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honor and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created. (Revelation 4:10-11)
O LORD God Almighty, our Dear Father in Heaven ~ Thank you for this new day and the unexpected and remarkable blessings that greet us from your endless bounty. We do not even feel worthy to approach your dazzling presence with our requests. However, the Only Begotten Son invited us and we come to you hiding behind his perfectness. Give us wisdom so that leaders in all the churches will abandon the current trend to entertain an audience in place of simple, majestic heartfelt and scriptural worship in spirit and truth. In the blessed name of Jesus we pray, Amen.
тогда двадцать четыре старца падают пред Сидящим на престоле, и поклоняются Живущему во веки веков, и полагают венцы свои перед престолом, говоря: достоин Ты, Господи, приять славу и честь и силу: ибо Ты сотворил все, и [все] по Твоей воле существует и сотворено. (Откровение 4:10-11 Russian)
Тоді падають двадцять чотири старці перед Тим, Хто сидить на престолі, і вклоняються Тому, Хто живе віки вічні, і складають вінці свої перед престолом та кажуть: Достойний Ти, Господи й Боже наш, прийняти славу, і честь, і силу, бо все Ти створив, і з волі Твоєї існує та створене все! (Откровение 4:10-11 Ukrainian)
Los veinticuatro ancianos se postraban delante del que estaba sentado en el trono, y adoraban al que vive para siempre jamás, y echaban sus coronas delante del trono, diciendo: Señor, digno eres de recibir gloria y honra y virtud: porque tú criaste todas las cosas, y por tu voluntad tienen ser y fueron criadas. (Apocalipsis 4:10-11 Spanish)
Yesterday was another wonderful day full of blessings and challenges in this particular portion of the Vineyard of the Lord. Somehow, at 09.00 - with no fuss and God's help, I was able to make my appointment with our advertising agency that prints up our advertisements we have placed strategically all over the city; then went over to McDonalds for a quick muffin and coffee and look around for any visiting Americans; then I walked across the street to where the taxi drivers hang out looking for a customer and was able to tell him in Russian so that he understood me without me having to draw a map, grunt inaudibly or point in some incoherent direction, that I first needed for him to take me to the Post Office where I would pick up 8 boxes, and then take me to the address where the church is located. (I'm definitely sympathetic with folks visiting or new to a foreign country.) He understood me correctly the first time and I silently said, Yes! When we got to our meeting place, he even got out of the car and helped me take the boxes up the stairs. You're probably thinking, "what's the big deal?" You're right, it's just the usual stuff, but it still makes a person feel good. It may have been because it was Friday, but I spent most of the day on the phone with students changing their appointments, doing sermon preparation and preparing my lessons for the University and working on better organization forms for our WEI students. The last appointments of the day came together. Anna's husband came with Anna's friend Snezhanna. She was very well prepared to discuss her answers to her homework. This was my first meeting with Vadim and he knows English academically since he attended a special school until he graduated from High School. He is an engineer by education, but now is in the slow real estate business. My studies with them ended at 8 PM and since it was already dark, I caught the micro bus back to the center of town and called Galina. She was very excited that she had almost accomplished everything she needed to do with various officials in order for the house and land to be put in her mother Elena's hands. She has to remain there for a few more days since one office will not be prepared for her until Tuesday of next week. I called Nick who has the private English school to ask him if he would help me on Sunday as an interpreter. He agreed and when I asked him if he agreed on a certain amount of money as pay, he indignantly responded I wouldn't think of taking money from you! He said he was very happy that I had contacted him. We are studying the Bible together when he or I have time. God continues to open doors and for that and other reasons, we are most thankful and joyful to be involved in this great work for our Lord Jesus Christ. Along with every other reason, I miss Galina's photography. I did take a couple of pictures yesterday but left the camera on the desk when I headed home last night. It will be needed again for the Boys Home this afternoon. By the way, the 8 boxes contained more of the Russian language books we ordered from EEM. These had to come from St. Petersburg, Russia and that is why they didn't come with the other material we already received. Thanks to all who help support this good work that provides Bibles and literature to countries in Eastern Europe. The photo today shows the local Roman Catholic Church building here in Nikolaev. We usually walk past here several times a week, and have not yet been to their museum.
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