Tuesday, September 14, 2010

WORD OF THE DAY - Tuesday 14 September 2010 from Nikolaev, Ukraine

“For the Lamb in the midst of the throne will be their shepherd, and he will guide them to springs of living water, and God will wipe away every tear from their eyes." (Revelation 7:17 ESV)
ибо Агнец, Который среди престола, будет пасти их и водить их на живые источники вод; и отрет Бог всякую слезу с очей их. (Откровение 7:17 Russian)
Бо Агнець, що серед престолу, буде їх пасти, і водитиме їх до джерел вод життя. І Бог кожну сльозу з очей їхніх зітре! (Откровение 7:17 Ukrainian)
Porque el Cordero que está en el trono los pastoreará y los guiará a fuentes de agua viva; y Dios les enjugará toda lágrima de sus ojos. (Apocalipsis 7:17 NVI)

Great and Mighty God, our Dear Heavenly Father ~ Thank you for showering us with your boundless grace and mercy on this new day as we consider ways to honor Jesus the Shepherd of our souls. We are in awe of our wonderful Shepherd who even knows us by our names. Give us wisdom, joy and patience so that we will endure the sorrows and pains of this life while waiting for Jesus to take us home. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.

Our third appointment of the day was with our newest student Masha. She uses her education as an artist in her work at a local children's theater. Her degree is as a specialist in art restoration. Masha is the designer of the puppets and various costumes and also stage settings in the Nikolaev Regional Puppet Theater. She was very interested in our children's Bible that we have from Eastern European Missions. We got acquainted and went over the introductory lesson which we plan to study with her today. Even though we had some cancellations of appointments, we stayed busy yesterday and still didn't have time to take care of some other duties. In a little less than three weeks we are anticipating our two friends Brian and Liz Wakefield who will be here to help us for about on week. They will be busy helping us with these students and doing some other things with us as they become familiar with our mission work here in Nikolaev, Ukraine. Thank you for your prayers.

Our lone male student Igor was very well prepared for his study that consisted of reviewing the introductory lesson that we had sent home with him from our previous meeting. Now he is working on lesson number one. Igor sales hotel and restaurant equipment and furnishings.
We had two no-shows yesterday and that gave us a little unexpected free time to hurriedly go downtown to pay our advertising bill. Irina and her husband Pavel have their own successful company. Pavel is the graphics artist and Irina manages the office, as well as sales and distribution of their weekly advertising publication. They are becoming our friends as well as partners in our efforts to get our message out to people in the community.
Our first appointment yesterday was with our diligent student Katya. As expected, she was very well prepared to review Lesson number 2 as we discussed Adam and Eve the first human beings.

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