Monday, January 30, 2012

WORD OF THE DAY - Monday 30 January 2012 from Mykolaiv, Ukraine

it (love) does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth. (1 Corinthians 13:6

Любовь не радуется неправде, но радуется вместе с истиной. (1-е Коринфянам 13:6 Russian SZ)

Любов ніколи не радіє злу, але радіє правді. (1 Коринтяни 13:6 Ukrainian ERV)

Dear God, our Kind and Merciful Father in Heaven ~ Thank you for the abundance of blessings from your unending bounty that greet us on this new day. Give us wisdom to discern the superior benefits of the gift of love in all circumstances. Help us to overcome the human tendency of rejoicing when someone uses evil means to achieve their goals. Give us a loving spirit so that we will always rejoice when truth is victorious. In the precious name of Jesus we pray, Amen.

We had 13 people for worship service yesterday. 3 more came for our period of fellowship and 4 left after the worship. Irina, who works with a private security company that has an office on our floor, has been repeatedly asking us about a beginning English course. We are going to start her out on the WEI elementary course that we can download off the Internet. We tested her a little yesterday afternoon and we believe she has enough reading skills in English to handle the course. Our young friend Nastya showed up in time for her Sunday Bible school. She had done some art work that she wanted to present to us. Galina gave her gloves to Nastya when we saw that she had none and the winter is severe in Ukraine this year. We have given her other clothing in the past and plan to help her out more as we see the needs. During the fellowship, we celebrated Luda's birthday by eating a Napoleon layer cake made with honey. It was delicious! My sermon was about Marriage and the Church from Ephesians 5. We had some good follow up questions and comments. When I started my the day early this morning the temperature was -15 C and now it has warmed up to -13 and the snow is falling. That is a most welcome and beautiful sight! It is hard to take the frigid air without the blanket of snow. 

Monday, January 23, 2012

WORD OF THE DAY - Monday 23 January 2012 from Mykolaiv, Ukraine

And behold, some are last who will be first, and some are first who will be last." (Luke 13:30)

И вот, есть последние, которые будут первыми, и есть первые, которые будут последними. (От Луки 13:30 Russian)

І затямте: хто нині перший, буде тоді останній, а хто зараз останній, буде тоді перший». (Лука 13:30 Ukrainian ERV)

Most Holy and Righteous God, our Dear Heavenly Father ~ thank you for the fullness of your grace and mercy that greet us on this new day. Give us wisdom to comprehend that each person must strive with obedient faith to enter through the narrow gate that opens into eternal life. Help us to overcome the tendency to comfort ourselves by thinking that we were born in the right generation to the right parents. In Christ name we pray, Amen.

This morning we have slick roads and sidewalks left from yesterday's snow with colder temperatures in store for this week. January and February are typically like this and we must strive harder in the type weather to accomplish things that are critical to spreading the gospel message with more intensity than we would if we were trying to sell soft drinks, cosmetics or chewing gum. We had 13 people present yesterday even with the frozen roads and sidewalks. Pavel works as a personal evangelist for the Skver Church of Christ near Kiev. His two sons live here in Nikolaev with their mother. Dima likes to help me lead singing. I usually let him help me lead the opening song. They came early for Galina’s Sunday school class. We were impressed with their resourcefulness since they come from far across the city. His younger brother Zhenya wanted to stand with his big brother yesterday. Two more came after our fellowship period. Vitaly dropped by to say hello, and Natasha came for her WEI lessons. It was also good to see Nikolai Gagarkin and his wife Olga with us in the meeting yesterday. He and David Ciolkosz helped lead the worship service. If all people keep their appointments, we rejoice that have a busy schedule of teaching today. We are hoping that we will have a couple of packages waiting for us at the Post Office before we go to see the boys on Friday.

Monday, January 16, 2012

WORD OF THE DAY - Monday 16 January 2012 from Nikolaev, Ukraine

I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth. (3 John 1:4)

Для меня нет большей радости, как слышать, что дети мои ходят в истине. (3-e Иоанна 1:4 Russian)

І немає для мене більшої радості, ніж чути, що діти мої йдуть дорогою правди. (3 Йоаново 1:4 Ukrainian ERV)

O LORD our God, how majestic is your name in all the earth! We come into your awesome presence with humble and grateful hearts on this new day that once again serves to remind us of your great faithfulness. Give us greater wisdom and stronger faith as we obey our Lord in spreading the gospel message to all nations. Help us to remain in touch with those whom we have helped lead to the truth so that they will also receive the same encouragement to remain faithful to the true doctrine of Christ revealed in the Scriptures. In the precious name of Jesus we pray, Amen.

We had thirteen present for our worship service yesterday. Most of these stayed around to visit and get better acquainted during our period of tea and fellowship. After that we had two good individual studies. David Ciolkosz got his feet wet by helping to teach our long-time WEI student Natasha. They were having a good discussion about some aspects of the new birth. This gave me time to spend with Omo in a study about the New Testament church. 

Monday, January 9, 2012

WORD OF THE DAY - Monday 09 January 2012 from Mykolayiv, Ukraine

 And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.  (Matthew 24:14 NIV)

И проповедано будет сие Евангелие Царствия по всей вселенной, во свидетельство всем народам; и тогда придет конец. (От Матфея 24:14 Russian)
І ця Добра Звістка, Євангелія про Царство Боже, проповідуватиметься по всьому світі як свідчення для всіх народів. Отоді настане кінець». (Матей 24:14 Ukrainian ERV)
Almighty God, our Dear Heavenly Father ~ thank you for the unimaginable blessings that grace our lives on this new day. Give us a greater portion of your wisdom and greater insight into the day to day lives of people in every nation so that we will be able to spread the pure and effective gospel to every country in our lifetime and thus hasten the coming of Christ, our dear Savior and Lord. We pray in Jesus precious name, Amen.

Yesterday we were blessed to have 11 to attend our services. We have been missing our young girl Nastya who usually attends our "Sunday School" by herself now that our boys have moved away. She has trouble at home and we will try and speak to her mother again. We were blessed that Nikolai and his wife Olga were with us. Their positive and loving mannerism always encourages the others. Nikolai planned to visit with some doctors yesterday in search of answers on why he has lost hearing in one ear. We pray for him and Olya that doctors will be able to help him with this problem and that God will help him recover in a whole manner. David Ciolkosz has been away in Yalta, Ukraine in the Crimean republic, and he effectively led the Lord's Supper. Later we honored our brother Stepan on his 86th birthday which was Saturday the 7th which coincides with the day when Orthodox Christianity recognizes as the day of Jesus birth. We had a wonderful time of fellowship and getting better acquainted. Galina is always in demand as a translator during our meetings to help people understand one another. After everyone left, we had time to study the J.C. Choate lesson on The Church with Elijah. He is growing in his understanding of New Testament Christianity. Today we are hoping to be able to receive some shipments at the Post Office. Last night, we learned that Galina's Mama is not feeling well, so we plan to leave tonight for Slavyansk in the north east of Ukraine and visit her for a few days. Thank you for your prayers.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

WORD OF THE DAY - Sunday 01 January 2012 from Nikolaev, Ukraine

And now, little children, abide in him, so that when he is revealed we may have confidence and not be put to shame before him at his coming. (1 John 2:28 NRSV) 

Итак, дети, пребывайте в Нем, чтобы, когда Он явится, иметь нам дерзновение и не постыдиться пред Ним в пришествие Его. (1-e Иоанна 2:28 Russian)

Тепер, любі діти, залишайтеся в Христі, щоб коли Він з’явиться, ми могли бути певні і не засоромлені Ним, коли Він прийде. (1 Йоаново 2:28 Ukrainian ERV)

Almighty God, our Kind and Merciful Father in Heaven ~ Thank you for this new Lord’s Day and the grand privilege that believers enjoy as we assemble in honor of Christ our Savior and King. Give us wisdom as we initiate plans for this New Year so that we will not fail to include your will in all our worthwhile goals and dreams. Help us to live in love above the fray over evil affairs and always be prepared for the unannounced coming of our Lord. We pray in the precious name of Jesus, Amen.