Tuesday, November 30, 2010

WORD OF THE DAY - Tuesday 30 November 2010 from Montgomery, Alabama

John appeared, baptizing in the wilderness and preaching a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins. (Mark 1:4)

Явился Иоанн, крестя в пустыне и проповедуя крещение покаяния для прощения грехов. (От Марка 1:4 Russian)

виступив був так Іван, що в пустині христив та проповідував хрищення на покаяння для прощення гріхів. (Марко 1:4 Ukrainian)

Bautizaba Juan en el desierto, y predicaba el bautismo del arrepentimiento para remisión de pecados. (Marcos 1:4 Spanish)

Almighty God, our Dear Heavenly Father ~ Thank you for this new day that dawns with bright hopes and fresh opportunities to carry out your will in our daily affairs. Give us more of your perfect wisdom as we consider the humble, bold, and effective work of John the Baptist who reminded the Jewish people of their sins and their response was baptism in water. Help us to comprehend the submissive act of obedience by our Messiah Jesus, who began His earthly ministry by being baptized in the muddy waters of the Jordan River. Help all those who scoff and make fun of water baptism, to humbly repent in obedience to the teaching and example of Christ that places penitent believers in Christ where we receive all spiritual blessings. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.

Photo: Nikolai Tkhor obeyed the gospel of Jesus Christ by repenting of sins, confessing his faith in Jesus Christ and being baptized into Christ for the forgiveness of sins. After this he had a brief but highly productive life as a Christian serving the Lord in the Nikolaev Church of Christ. His death caught us off-guard, but reminded us that we must all be ready to meet the Lord. Our work with the boys at the Boys Home was made possible because of the influence of this good man. Thank you for your constant prayers for this work in Mykolayiv, Ukraine and Magadan, Russia.

Monday, November 29, 2010

WORD OF THE DAY - Monday 29 November 2010

And he is the head of the body, the church: who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead; that in all things he might have the preeminence. For it was the good pleasure of the Father that in him should all the fullness dwell. (Colossians 1:18-19)

И Он есть глава тела Церкви; Он--начаток, первенец из мертвых, дабы иметь Ему во всем первенство, ибо благоугодно было [Отцу], чтобы в Нем обитала всякая полнота, (К Колоссянам 1:18-19 Russian)

І Він Голова тіла, Церкви. Він початок, первороджений з мертвих, щоб у всьому Він мав ершенство. Бо вгодно було, щоб у Нім перебувала вся повнота, (Колосяни 1:18-19 Ukrainian)
Y él es la cabeza del cuerpo que es la iglesia; él que es el principio, el primogénito de los muertos, para que en todo tenga el primado. Por cuanto agradó al Padre que en él habitase toda plenitud, (Colosenses 1:18-19 Spanish)

Photo: This picture was made while we were on our last visit to Inta. Someone asked me yesterday when we were planning to return to our work in Ukraine and Russia. I responded that we plan to go back in early January. Then he suggested that we should not go in such bad weather. We do not go as tourists. We go to live among the people in the same conditions and circumstances that they must endure each day. It is our pleasure to be with our dear brothers and sisters in the former Soviet Union when they have nice warm weather, and also when they learn how to find beauty in God's blessing of a fresh snowfall. We have a few students from Nikolaev who continue to study their World English Institute lesson using the Bible. They do their lessons on-line and we grade their lessons and send them comments regarding their answers. It is amazing to observe how their knowledge and understanding of the Bible and English grows with each lesson. Thank you for your prayers and constant encouragement.

WORD OF THE DAY - Sunday 29 November 2010 from Montgomery, Alabama

Now the Spirit says expressly, that in later times some shall fall away from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of demons. (1 Timothy 4:1)

Дух же ясно говорит, что в последние времена отступят некоторые от веры, внимая духам обольстителям и учениям бесовски. (1-е Тимофею 4:1 Russian)

А Дух ясно говорить, що від віри відступляться дехто в останні часи, ті, хто слухає духів підступних і наук демонів. (1 Тимотей 4:1 Ukrainian)

EMPERO el Espíritu dice manifiestamente, que en los venideros tiempos alguno apostatarán de la fe escuchando á espíritus de error y á doctrinas de demonios. (1 Timoteo 4:1 Spanish)

Almighty God, our Dear Father in Heaven ~ Thank you for the brightness of your presence in our lives on this new Lord’s Day on which all faithful believers assemble together in sweet communion in tribute of our blessed Lord and Savior. Give us wisdom so that we will pay closer attention to the truth taught by the Holy Spirit and not be deceived by false teachers who are listening to evil doctrine that in the end will bring destruction to all who are its victims. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Saturday 27 November 2010 from Montgomery, Alabama

The boys manned the helm of our home computer that usually sits idle while we are sowing the gospel seeds in Ukraine and Russia. In a few weeks, we look forward to visiting with other grandchildren in northern Virginia. This is my work station where the daily WORD is sent out over the Internet and where we have communication with some of our WEI students in Nikolaev. God is very good to us as we enjoy time here in the USA while we prepare for our upcoming work in the harvest field of the former Soviet Union. Thank you for your many prayers and words of encouragement.

Three grandkids blessed our home for a while yesterday. Galina enjoyed serving them her special cheese toast until the bread ran out. She also served up a fresh pot of borshch.

If the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwells in you, he that raised up Christ Jesus from the dead shall give life also to your mortal bodies through his Spirit that dwells in you. (Romans 8:11)

Если же Дух Того, Кто воскресил из мертвых Иисуса, живет в вас, то Воскресивший Христа из мертвых оживит и ваши смертные тела Духом Своим, живущим в вас. (К Римлянам 8:11 Russian)

А коли живе в вас Дух Того, Хто воскресив Ісуса з мертвих, то Той, хто підняв Христа з мертвих, оживить і смертельні тіла ваші через Свого Духа, що живе в вас. (Римляни 8:11 Ukrainian)

Y si el Espíritu de aquel que levantó de los muertos á Jesús mora en vosotros, el que levantó á Cristo Jesús de los muertos, vivificará también vuestros cuerpos mortales por su Espíritu que mora en vosotros. (Romanos 8:11 Spanish)

Most Kind and Richly Generous God, our Dear Heavenly Father ~ Thank you for the exhilarating gift of life on this blessing filled new day. Give us a portion of your perfect and infinite wisdom so that we may understand the written word and see beyond the mundane affairs of this day and gaze into what lies ahead for the faithful who follow Christ our Lord. When we consider our helpless situation as we dwell in these physical bodies of sin, help us not reject the powerful influence of your Holy Spirit. In the name of Jesus we pray, Amen.

WORD OF THE DAY - Friday 26 November 2010

Four generations apart, yet able to have a friendly discussion during a southern style Thanksgiving dinner complete with sweet iced tea. We are very grateful to God for this special time that God has given us to be in the country. We are most thankful for your prayers as we begin to finalize our plans for returning to our work that is of vital importance to the future of the Body of Christ in Ukraine. Not to say that we are of such importance, but spreading the Good News about Jesus Christ and forgiveness of sins through faith in Him is of utmost importance for all people in the world.
Daughter Laura and Adelaide share a good laugh as David prepares his camera for a family album photograph.

I was captured and brought in under armed guard for interrogation by Captain Daniel and read my rights by officer Adelaide. They had fun with me going along with the game.

Grandsons Daniel and William had a little minor discussion on who would get to sit next to grandfather for the Thanksgiving dinner. Son in law and wise father intervened and settled that issue. When the call to come to dinner came, the boys had just finished playing that they were the Admiral and Captain in the Navy and I was handcuffed as a prisoner. It's never boring as a grandfather. When we started to eat after Daniel suggested for me to lead the prayer of thanksgiving, William sincerely asked "Grandfather, what are you thankful for today." I responded with "family first, good health, and our work for the Lord in Nikolaev, Ukraine." His answer was his family. It was a wonderful and heart touching exchange. They wanted to know why we must return to Ukraine so soon, while our dear ones there wonder why we are gone so long. It is times like this that sometimes makes it hard to make plans for long trips to the mission field, but they try to understand that our work for the Lord is very important.

We walked the kids dog around the block and had a great time chatting to catch up with the news from granddaughter Adelaide.

We enjoyed a wonderful Thanksgiving day with some family members yesterday. Here grandson William enjoys some of Galina's pilmeney (with Wm's mustard) while we wait for the turkey to get done. We also had much fun playing with the three grandchildren who were there.
For Christ died for sins once for all, the righteous for the unrighteous, to bring you to God. He was put to death in the body, but made alive by the Spirit, (1 Peter 3:18 NIV)

потому что и Христос, чтобы привести нас к Богу, однажды пострадал за грехи наши, праведник за неправедных, быв умерщвлен по плоти, но ожив духом, (1-e Петра 3:18 Russian)

Бо й Христос один раз постраждав був за наші гріхи, щоб привести нас до Бога, Праведний за неправедних, хоч умертвлений тілом, але Духом оживлений, (1 Петрово 3:18 Ukrainian)

Porque Cristo murió por los pecados una vez por todas, el justo por los injustos, a fin de llevarlos a ustedes a Dios. Él sufrió la muerte en su cuerpo, pero el Espíritu hizo que volviera a la vida.(1 Pedro 3:18 NVI)

Most Holy and Righteous God, our Dear Heavenly Father ~ Thank you for the precious gift of life on this fresh day that arrives with countless blessings and opportunities to do your will by obeying Christ our Lord. We are in awe of the absolute truth that only one person lived a sinless and pure life. Moreover, we are astounded that the radiantly perfect Sinless One took all sins of humanity upon Himself as He died on the cross as our substitute. Revive our appreciation for what Jesus means to our families, friends, neighbors, enemies and all people of this world so that we will work earnestly to sincerely live like a true Christian so that others may believe us when we share the great plan of salvation with them. In the blessed name of Jesus we pray, Amen.

Thursday 25 November 2010 from Montgomery, Alabama

"The First Thanksgiving" Brownscombe - Jennie Agusta Brownscombe

Many people in the United States of America, Canada, and several other countries pause today and give thanks to God Almighty for the blessings of freedom and His providence that anticipates our physical and spiritual needs. Christians around the world constantly give thanks for our freedom in Christ that makes it possible to live with hope and without fear in a world where the devil influences many people to tremble before tyrants. Thank you for your prayers as we thank God for our blessed opportunity to share the gospel with many people. Galina and I greet our many friends who do not live in America, and wish you a day filled with love, joy, peace and hope as you continue to turn your hearts to Jesus Christ, the Son of God.

Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. (1 Thessalonians 5:18)

За все благодарите: ибо такова о вас воля Божия во Христе Иисусе. (1-е Фессалоникийцам 5:18 Russian)

Подяку складайте за все, бо така Божа воля про вас у Христі Ісусі. (1 Солунци 5:18 Ukrainian)

Dad gracias en todo; porque esta es la voluntad de Dios para con vosotros en Cristo Jesús. (1 Tesalonicenses 5:18 Spanish)

Most Kind and Holy God, our Dear Heavenly Father ~ Thank you for the unspeakable joy we feel as we count our many blessings on this day of thanksgiving even as we do each day. Bless our brothers and sisters in Christ around the world who also give thanks for their special place in your eternal Kingdom. Give us wisdom and courage so that we will begin to make a fresh appeal to all people to accept Jesus as their Lord before it is too late. In Christ name we pray, Amen.

WORD OF THE DAY - Wednesday 24 November 2010 from Montgomery, Alabama

Yesterday we drove down to Gainesville, Florida to give some assistance to our son William Binkley. He lives in Bronson and is able to receive good care and treatment at the very fine Veteran's hospital in Gainesville that is connected with the University of Florida teaching hospital. Various doctors have suggested that Bill is suffering from some form of Parkinson's disease although they have no specific diagnosis. On the way down we had some problems with a car and were stranded for a while last night on the Interstate highway. God was with us and a tow truck came and took the car to a repair shop and we finally reached a hotel around 01.00 AM. I wore a long sleeve shirt, but soon wished I had not since it was almost 90 degrees F in that part of Florida today. We arrived back home to Montgomery in a rental car that we will turn in tomorrow and try to figure out a car to borrow for a short time. Thank you for the constant and fervent prayers.

But when the fullness of the time came, God sent forth his Son, born of a woman, born under the law. (Galatians 4:4)

но когда пришла полнота времени, Бог послал Сына Своего (Единородного), Который родился от жены, подчинился закону. (К Галатам 4:4 Russian)

Як настало ж виповнення часу, Бог послав Свого Сина, що родився від жони, та став під Законом. (Галатяни 4:4 Ukrainian)

Mas venido el cumplimiento del tiempo, Dios envió su Hijo, hecho de mujer, hecho súbdito á la ley. (Gálatas 4:4 Spanish)

Almighty God, our Dear Heavenly Father ~ Thank you for granting us life and breathe on this new day that we are privileged to spend under your watchful care. Give us wisdom, as we not only consider the Divine nature of Christ, but His human nature that he assumed at birth. Help us as we struggle to be more effective in sharing the truth with others that Christ was fully the same as we humans, except that He never sinned and He shares that righteousness with all who believe and obey the gospel message. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

WORD OF THE DAY - Thursday 18 November 2010

For this reason we also, since the day we heard it, do not cease to pray for you, and to ask that you may be filled with the knowledge of His will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding; that you may walk worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing Him, being fruitful in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God. (Colossians 1:9-10 NKJV)

Посему и мы с того дня, как [о сем] услышали, не перестаем молиться о вас и просить, чтобы вы исполнялись познанием воли Его, во всякой премудрости и разумении духовном, чтобы поступали достойно Бога, во всем угождая [Ему], принося плод во всяком деле благом и возрастая в познании Бога, (К Колоссянам 1:9-10 Russian)

Через це то й ми з того дня, як почули, не перестаємо молитись за вас та просити, щоб для пізнання волі Його були ви наповнені всякою мудрістю й розумом духовним, щоб ви поводилися належно щодо Господа в усякому догодженні, в усякому доброму ділі приносячи плід і зростаючи в пізнанні Бога, (Колосяни 1:9-10 Ukrainian)

Por lo cual también nosotros, desde el día que lo oímos, no cesamos de orar por vosotros, y de pedir que seáis llenos del conocimiento de su voluntad, en toda sabiduría y espiritual inteligencia; Para que andéis como es digno del Señor, agradándo le en todo, fructificando en toda buena obra, y creciendo en el conocimiento de Dios: (Colosenses 1:9-10 Spanish)

Almighty God, our Dear Heavenly Father ~ Thank you for this wonderful new day that greets us with fresh blessings from your persistent love for your creatures made in your image. Give us wisdom as we study your sovereign will that is revealed for us in the Holy Scriptures. Help us not to violate your trust by desiring to peer into your hidden will that we do not need to know in order to be good, faithful and obedient servants of the Lord.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

WORD OF THE DAY - Wednesday 17 November 2010

Yesterday evening as we made our daily walk around the neighborhood we noticed the trailing end of a large storm system as it passed over us. This morning the temperatures are a bit chilly again after several days of being warm. The air is very pleasant with that autumn crispness. We had planned to visit our granddaughter Adelaide at special school luncheon in Marietta, Georgia on Tuesday, but she became sick with a high fever and we had to postpone that special meeting. We hope to see her and her brothers very soon. We have three students from Nikolaev who are now regularly studying with us on-line. Galina and I pray that they will continue to grow in their knowledge of English and the Bible while studying the World English Institute courses. Thank you for the many faithful prayers regarding our work to spread the blessed gospel of Christ in Ukraine and Russia.

Sasha, an artist friend of ours who works in the building where the church meets in Nikolaev gave us this painting and we recently had it framed and hung it on the wall here in Montgomery. He knows about our love for the boys and chose just the right scene for us. This is the place on the river near the Boys Home where we spend quality time with several orphan boys.

How shall we escape if we ignore so great a salvation? This salvation, which was first announced by the Lord, was confirmed to us by those who heard him. God also testified to it by signs, wonders and various miracles, and by gifts of the Holy Spirit distributed according to his will. (Hebrews 2:3-4 NIV)

то как мы избежим, вознерадев о толиком спасении, которое, быв сначала проповедано Господом, в нас утвердилось слышавшими [от Него], при засвидетельствовании от Бога знамениями и чудесами, и различными силами, и раздаянием Духа Святаго по Его воле? (К Евреям 2:3-4 Russian)

то як ми втечемо, коли ми не дбали про таке велике спасіння? Воно проповідувалося спочатку від Господа, ствердилося нам через тих, хто почув, коли Бог був засвідчив ознаками й чудами, і різними силами та обдаруванням Духом Святим із волі Своєї. (Евреи 2:3-4 Ukrainian)

¿Cómo escaparemos nosotros, si tuviéremos en poco una salud tan grande? La cual, habiendo comenzado á ser publicada por el Señor, ha sido confirmada hasta nosotros por los que oyeron; Testificando juntamente con ellos Dios, con señales y milagros, y diversas maravillas, y repartimientos del Espíritu Santo según su voluntad. (Hebreos 2:3-4 Spanish)

Most Awesome and Holy God, our Dear Heavenly Father ~ Thank you for this splendid new day and the awareness that we are your very special creatures who possess the possibility of eternal life in your presence. Give us wisdom as we follow the teachings revealed in the scriptures. Help us not to be deceived by those charlatans today who charm people into believing that an ordinary event is somehow equal to the supernatural miracles performed by Christ and others whom you chose to reveal your will. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.