Tuesday, December 8, 2009

WORD OF THE DAY - Tuesday 08 December 2009

By humility and the fear of the LORD are riches and honor and life. (Proverbs 22:4)

За смирением следует страх Господень, богатство и слава и жизнь. (Притчи 22:4 Russian)

Almighty God, our Exceedingly Powerful and Righteous Father in Heaven ~ Thank you for this new day that brings with it more opportunities for us to demonstrate our awe and respect for your Son who has been appointed to rule over us. Give us wisdom so that we will treat all people with humility, respect and kindness as we offer ourselves in service to Christ the Lord. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.

At last night's meeting there only 6 who showed up for our Bible study and song practice. We were amazed that Luda and Stepan were there since it was a cold icy wind in our faces on the walk to our meeting place. These dear people never want to miss the blessings that come from Bible study and prayer meeting. Since our group presently includes students from Nigeria, we sing one verse of each song in English and the full song in Russian language. Occasionally, we sing a song in Ukrainian. This morning we get ready for about four hours at the university with a select group of 5th year students. They begged their faculty for us to come back. This may be our last session this year since they are facing many exams and other end of quarter activities. However, they may ask us back to face one of the other groups. We have such a wonderful relationship with this institution. The room we are using was furnished in largest part by some Peace Corps volunteers who were here a few years ago. It is the best classroom that we have seen so far. With one other exception, most of the other rooms are still the old Soviet style that you just have to see it to believe it. I'm not being critical, just an observation from someone who spent several years selling and installing school furniture and equipment. I am always looking forward to this open door and the others that God is constantly opening. We are constantly hoping and praying for more workers to share in the harvest.

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