Monday, January 14, 2013

WORD OF THE DAY - Monday 14 January, 2013

 This, the first of his signs, Jesus did at Cana in Galilee, and manifested his glory. And his disciples believed in him. (John 2:11)
Так положил Иисус начало чудесам в Кане Галилейской и явил славу Свою; и уверовали в Него ученики Его. (От Иоанна 2:11 Russian)

Такий початок чудам зробив Ісус у Кані Галілейській, і виявив славу Свою. І ввірували в Нього учні Його. (Йоан 2:11 Ukrainian)

Great and glorious God, our dear heavenly Father ~ we approach your dazzling presence on this new day, that is certain to arrive with even more signs that we are loved beyond comparison with any earthly love known to any of your creatures. Thank you for sending the very best of heaven or earth, to rescue us from the dreary darkness of sin. Give us wisdom to more fully appreciate the enormous power that our glorious Christ demonstrated while on this earth, so that we will be filled with awe and wonder as we follow our precious Savior as Lord. We pray in the precious name of Jesus, Amen.

We had twelve who came for worship yesterday on a really cold day here in southern Ukraine. It is now minus 15 C this morning and cold in our apartment. Not just to say just ours, but all such apartments in general. We have definitely been colder in Magadan and our hearts always go out to our dear family there. However, this is our coldest day in Nikolaev so far this winter. 
We had complications getting Stepan a ride to worship. Finally, we had to hire a taxi and go get him. When we arrived to our church meeting place, we had several people waiting for us. Of course, Natasha is always there first. Yesterday, David Ciolkosz and Nastya were both present for worship. They stayed around for our time of tea, snacks and becoming better acquainted. Later, we took them to a little place that specializes in Southwestern US dishes. We ordered chili and they got chili and a burrito. Mostly we enjoyed spending time with them. Later, they caught a bus to the City Center where they were going to hang out for a while.  We braved the cold night air as we walked several blocks home to our apartment. Even though you think you are going to freeze right in your tracks, it is always better to winterize yourself by getting out in the elements. 
We are very thankful for your prayers and other encouragement of this work and other mission works to tell the world about Jesus Christ our Lord. 

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