Monday, June 1, 2009

WORD OF THE DAY - Monday 01 June 2009

And unto man he said, Behold, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom; and to depart from evil is understanding. (Job 28:28)

Most Awesome God, our Forgiving and Restoring Father in Heaven ~ Thank you for the sun of your love that burns brightly on this new day as we consider how we fit into your grand plans. Help us to discern what is truly good from what the world calls good as we study and obey the doctrine of Christ. In Jesus name, Amen.

Photo: Freedom seems to ring everywhere in the country of Ukraine. We were in Kiev on the great May Day celebration that was not so much about the glory of the old Soviet Union as it was about the new hopes and plans for greater achievements for the people of independent Ukraine. Russia and Ukraine are tied closely together because of the Soviet era, but moreover, because of the history of the first Rus people who sprang from Kiev. Both languages and cultures are similar in origin, and yet distinct. The Russian language seems to be spoken by nearly everyone in Ukraine - due to the powerful influence of both the USSR and Imperial Russia. However, school children still learn Ukrainian as the mother tongue of Ukraine. Russian school children have it a little easier - unless they are in one of the many schools that teach English along with Russian. Russia and Ukraine along with other former Soviet republics continue to offer magnanimous challenges and opportunities to mission minded congregations and mission workers. We continue to prepare ourselves for our next journey that is scheduled to begin in July and last until January 2010 - God willing. Our plans include work in Nikolaev to continue the task of church planting in that great city. Then, we will spend time helping the church in Magadan become more established in the faith. Thank you for your fervent and faithful prayers.

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