Sunday, February 21, 2010

WORD OF THE DAY - Sunday 21 February 2010

Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am the main one. (1 Timothy 1:15)

Верно и всякого принятия достойно слово, что Христос Иисус пришел в мир спасти грешников, из которых я первый. (1-е Тимофею 1:15 Russian)

Вірне це слово, і гідне всякого прийняття, що Христос Ісус прийшов у світ спасти грішних, із яких перший то я. (1 Тимотей 1:15 Ukrainian)

Almighty God, our Glorious and Merciful Father in Heaven ~ Thank you for the gift of life on this new Lord’s Day. Bless all believers who assemble in sweet communion to remember the death, burial and resurrection of Christ that gives us hope for our own resurrection to eternal life. We are filled with gratitude as we think about the loving sacrifice that Jesus made on the cross so that we can receive forgiveness of sins. Help us to overcome any smugness, false pride or self-righteousness and adopt the attitude of our beloved apostle Paul regarding ourselves as the main sinner in need of your grace. Give us wisdom so that we will be able to communicate your message of love and hope to this lost world. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.

Photo: Our brother Nikolai Thor leads the Nikolaev church in worship. Following his conversion to Christ he began to realize that he should use his life's experiences as an educator in Ukraine for the glory of God. We long to be back with them and to continue our work of reaching lost souls in this great city. We are still waiting on Galina's visa and we have some more visiting to do before our planned departure of 20 March. Today at 5.00 PM, I am scheduled to make a presentation about our Gospel mission work at the Dalraida Church of Christ here in Montgomery, Alabama.

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