Monday, January 24, 2011

WORD OF THE DAY - Sunday 23 January 2011 Mykolayiv, Ukraine

For as often as you eat this bread, and drink the cup, you proclaim the Lord's death until he comes. (1 Corinthians 11:26)

Ибо всякий раз, когда вы едите хлеб сей и пьете чашу сию, смерть Господню возвещаете, доколе Он придет. (1-е Коринфянам 11:26 Russian)

Бо кожного разу, як будете їсти цей хліб та чашу цю пити, смерть Господню звіщаєте, аж доки Він прийде. (1 Коринтяни 11:26 Ukrainian)

Porque todas las veces que comiereis este pan, y bebiereis esta copa, la muerte del Señor anunciáis hasta que venga. (1 Corintios 11:26 Spanish)

Almighty God, Everlasting Father in Heaven ~ Thank you for the mysterious gift of life and especially the expensive new life in Christ on this new Lord’s Day. As this day dawns around the world, Kind Father bless all faithful Christians who make time each week to gather around the Table and honor the huge sacrifice made by Christ so that we may have positive hope of eternal life as we walk by faith. Renew our commitment as we watch and wait for the glorious appearing of our Savior and reigning King. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.
When we arrived back to Nikolaev about ten days ago, we could hardly see any snow on the ground. There were only a few patches of snow that had not yet melted. Today, our weather looks more like all the forecasts we have been receiving lately. Snow began falling late yesterday afternoon, and continued through the night. It is a very gentle, fluffy and friendly snowfall, compared with the howling wind blizzards that can come at this time of year. This means that people will have some inconveniences getting to our worship services, but it should not be a “providential hindrance.” We don’t expect visitors in such weather, but we are always hopeful and prepared. Yesterday, our neighbor brought Galina another home remedy that includes a hot water bottle filled with hot water and laced with eucalyptus herbs. She spent time last night breathing this vapor. We feel like we can publish a guide to home remedies for the cold or bronchitis with all this information that people have been sharing with us. Thank you for your kind thoughts and prayers for our well being and most of all for success in reaching lost souls with the true message of salvation that gives hope and cheer to the most downtrodden of people.

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