Thursday, April 21, 2011

WORD OF THE DAY - Thursday 21 April 2011 from Nikolaev, Ukraine

And he went out; bearing his own cross, to the place called The Place of a Skull, which in Aramaic is called Golgotha. (John 19:17)

И, неся крест Свой, Он вышел на место, называемое Лобное, по-еврейски Голгофа; (От Иоанна 19:17 Russian)
І, нісши Свого хреста, Він вийшов на місце, Череповищем зване, по-гебрейському Голгофа. (Йоан 19:17 Ukrainian)

Y llevando su cruz, salió al lugar que se dice de la Calavera, y en hebreo, Gólgotha; (Juan 19:17 Spanish)
Dear Father in Heaven ~ Thank you for the expensive gift of life on this bright new day that arrives with hope for renewal because of your great love for all people.  We have no knowledge of any earthly king, potentate, president or leader of people who ever gave himself for his people in the way Christ sacrificed himself for our sins so that we can live with him forever. What a wonderful Savior! Our glorious King – Jesus, your Only Begotten Son! Give us a portion of your perfect wisdom so that we will repeat the truth to all people so that they can believe and obey the gospel message and be saved. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.

Yesterday we concentrated on having some rest to help battle this cold virus. Galina is an exceptional nurse, and we were able to accomplish many things while she treated me with a scarf around my neck. I always refuse to wear those uncomfortable things. By the middle of the day I was slowly getting my voice back, but during our Wednesday evening service, it had almost disappeared. It was good that Pavel was prepared to conduct the Bible class for the second time. He did a good job preparing his lesson. and continues to show much promise as a teacher of the Word. Today we hope to complete our advertising arrangements. Thank you for the prayers.

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