Monday, March 8, 2010

WORD OF THE DAY - 08 March 2010

‘Now what are you waiting for? Get up and be baptized and wash your sins away, calling on his name.' (Acts 22:16)

‘Итак, что ты медлишь? Встань, крестись и омой грехи твои, призвав имя Господа Иисуса.’ (Деяния 22:16 Russian)

‘А тепер чого гаєшся? Уставай й охристися, і обмий гріхи свої, прикликавши Ймення Його!’ ( Деяния 22:16 Ukrainian)

Almighty God, our Dear Father in Heaven ~ Thank you for the magnificent gift of life on this new day that is filled with new blessings and opportunities to do good as we follow the example of Christ our Lord. Give penitent believers who are putting off baptism, the wisdom, and courage to do the right thing just as the apostle Paul was instructed to do by our Lord’s messenger. We praise you for the ordinance of immersion in water that commemorates the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ. We are thankful that Christ died on the cross to take our sins away if we will only believe and obey Him. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.

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