Friday, December 31, 2010

WORD OF THE DAY - 31 December 2011 from Montgomery, Alabama

But to you that fear my name, the Sun of righteousness shall arise with healing in his wings; and you shall go out leaping as calves from the stall. (Malachi 4:2)

А для вас, благоговеющие пред именем Моим, взойдет Солнце правды и исцеление в лучах Его, и вы выйдете и взыграете, как тельцы упитанные; (Малахия 4:2 Russian)

А для вас, хто Ймення Мойого боїться, зійде Сонце Правди та лікування в промінях Його, і ви вийдете та поскакаєте, мов ті ситі телята! (Малахия 4:2 Ukrainian)

Mas á vosotros los que teméis mi nombre, nacerá el Sol de justicia, y en sus alas traerá salud: y saldréis, y saltaréis como becerros de la manada. (Malaquías 4:2 Spanish)

Dear LORD our God ~ Thank you Kind Father for the arrival of another very special day for all who trust in your unsurpassable providential care. Give us wisdom as we close out another year so that we will learn from our mistakes and accomplishments in order to be more pleasing to you and more productive in the glorious Kingdom of Christ. In the blessed name of Jesus we pray, Amen.
Photo: These three young Christians - Dima, Styopa and Pasha have grown up in the Magadan, Russia Church of Christ thanks to their parents - Olga, Anya, Ivan & Nadya. Pasha has the look of one who just returned from a year of duty with the Russian Army. We received this photo recently from Olga by way of our brother Vasily's camera. We have much encouragement for the future of this church with young men willing to spend time learning more about Christ. Now that we have our Russian visas, God willing, we plan to travel to Magadan in the early spring of the year 2011. We are very thankful to all of you who regularly pray for this congregation as well as the young church in Nikoleav, Ukraine and for the struggling church at Inta in the Komi Republic that is part of the Russian Federation. I never forget for one second the church in Khabarovsk that was begun in 1993 with much great struggle and many fervent prayers. If it is the Lord's will, we also want to travel to Magadan via Khabarovsk and assemble for a few days with the brethren in this great city along the Amur River.
Sponsoring church:

3740 Atlanta Highway
P.O. Box 3085
Montgomery, AL 36109

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