Sunday, December 19, 2010

WORD OF THE DAY - Sunday 19 December 2010

Ken and Linda Dunham, longtime friends from our time in Georgia invited us up to their beautiful home in a remote area on Lake Jordan yesterday afternoon around dusk.
Their neighbors also have docks for their boats, but for many neighbors the home on the lake is a second home. We thoroughly enjoyed our drive through the woods to get to their home and spending time with them. Ken is on the faculty of Jones Law School which is affiliated with Faulkner University. On the ride up to the lake from Montgomery, Ken and I talked about our experiences on mission trips to the Caribbean Island of St. Vincent, West Indies.

The purpose of the ride up to their home was because Ken had offered me the use of his truck for the remainder of our time here in America. We already had to pay a lot for rental car, and this will be a big savings for us. When we got there, they wanted us to choose between a very nice Solara convertible or the comfortable Toyota Tundra pickup. We chose the truck, and as we rode home we were singing "God is so good" in English and Russian. Ken said they will not need the truck for the remainder of our time here and encouraged us to make use of it. God's people everywhere are known for being good, kind and generous. Ivan is laid up in a Magadan hospital right now, and I know that if he had a car he would loan it to us without hesitation. When we lived in Florida, Christian friends also surprised us by loaning us their new truck for a trip to Virginia to see grandchildren. It is always a joy to be together with God's wonderful people. So many of you regularly make generous donations that make it possible for us to spread the beautiful message of hope and salvation as well as providing help to poor orphans. Thank you for your many prayers and kind deeds. Today at Dalraida Church of Christ, brother Earl Edwards, who has done a great deal of work as a missionary in Europe, will begin a special series of lessons on the theme, "Protecting our Blind Side". He spent many years preaching and teaching others how to preach.

Give ear to my words, O LORD, consider my meditation. Listen to my cry for help, my King and my God, for to you I pray. In the morning, O LORD, you hear my voice; in the morning, I lay my requests before you and wait in expectation. (Psalm 5:1-3 NIV)

Услышь, Господи, слова мои, уразумей помышления мои. Внемли гласу вопля моего, Царь мой и Бог мой! ибо я к Тебе молюсь. Господи! рано услышь голос мой, --рано предстану пред Тобою, и буду ожидать. (Псалтирь 5:1-4 Russian 5:2-4)

Для дириґетна хору. До флейти. Псалом Давидів. Почуй, Господи, мову мою, стогнання моє зрозумій. Прислухайсь до голосу зойку мого, о мій Царю та Боже Ти мій, як до Тебе молитися буду! Ти слухаєш, Господи, ранком мій голос, ранком молитися буду до Тебе та буду чекати. (Псалми 5:1-4 Ukrainian 5:2-4)

Atiende, Señor, a mis palabras; toma en cuenta mis gemidos. Escucha mis súplicas, rey mío y Dios mío, porque a ti elevo mi plegaria. Por la mañana, Señor, escuchas mi clamor; por la mañana te presento mis ruegos, y quedo a la espera de tu respuesta. (Salmos 5:1-4 NVI)

Almighty God, our Dear Heavenly Father ~ Thank you for this new Lord’s Day that arrives with opportunities to assemble with others who have the same precious faith. Remember those who feel so broken hearted over the loss of a loved one that they have no strength or courage to face their friends. Give us wisdom so that we will properly divide the word of truth and faithfully proclaim the message of Christ to people of our generation throughout the world. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.

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