Saturday, December 18, 2010

WORD OF THE DAY Saturday 18 December 2010

And he (Father) put all things in subjection under his (Jesus Christ) feet, and gave him to be head over all things to the church, which is his body, the fullness of him who fills all in all. (Ephesians 1:22-23)
и все покорил под ноги Его, и поставил Его выше всего, главою Церкви, которая есть Тело Его, полнота Наполняющего все во всем. (К Ефесянам 1:22-23 Russian)
І все впокорив Він під ноги Йому, і Його дав найвище за все за Голову Церкви, а вона Його тіло, повня Того, що все всім наповняє! (Ефесяни 1:22-23 Ukrainian)
Y sometió todas las cosas debajo de sus pies, y diólo por cabeza sobre todas las cosas á la iglesia, La cual es su cuerpo, la plenitud de Aquel que hinche todas las cosas en todos. (Efesios 1:22-23 Spanish)

Most Holy, Wise and Beneficent God, our Dear Heavenly Father ~ Thank you for the amazing gift of life on this pristine new day that you have given us. Give us wisdom as we search the scriptures and do our best to be obedient children. Forgive us for the times when we have blinked our eyes and wandered from the perfect plan you have for our lives. Restore our trust and confidence in Christ alone as the One and Only Head over His glorious church. Help all believers to conscientiously struggle for unity in the Body of Christ. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.
After we haggled again for a while at the car dealership, we finally were ready to head back to Alabama. Since William Binkley and his wife Lisa live in nearby Bronson, they came over to the Oaks Mall in Gainesville, and we had a nice visit in the food court. Bill is suffering from a Parkinson like disease that is making it impossible for him to function normally since the motion and balance part of his brain causes his body to act with involuntary movements. We are very thankful for the treatment and care he receives at the Veteran's Hospital in Gainesville. It just happens that his doctor is also a respected neurologist at the Shands Teaching Hospital of the University of Florida. As we rode back to Alabama we were driving in a major rain storm most of the way. Thank you for the many prayers.

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