Sunday, August 23, 2009

WORD OF THE DAY - Sunday 23 August 2009

Hallelujah! Oh, give thanks to the LORD, who is good, for his love endures forever. (Psalm 106:1)

Almighty God, our Just and Merciful Father in Heaven ~ Thank you for this Lord’s Day on which we join all the heavenly beings in worship of our blessed Lord Jesus Christ in whom we put all our trust for eternal life. Give us wisdom so that we will more fully absorb the meaning of worshipping in spirit and in truth. Bless all believers who are faithfully serving Christ each day so that they will be able to influence some friend or neighbor to obey Christ while there is time. In Christ name, Amen.

Now that we are having new visitors who need translation into the Russian language, Galina is very busy keeping up with everything and everybody along with doing her work as an interpreter. She loves being able to use this given and acquired talent to help communicate the message of salvation. We have been enjoying the use of the offices of Dr. Nikolai, but it is a temporary situation, and now he needs to have some of these spaces back for use of his family's various activities. We have found a couple of rooms in a House of Culture that is situated in an area of the city where many people live. They already have a couple of religious groups meeting there and are not opposed to us using the space for religious purposes. We even heard the mayor of Nikolaev on TV last night make comments favorable to all the different confessions of faith in his address to the citizens of the city. Monday is the holiday that celebrates the 220th anniversary of the city of Nikolaev or Mykolaiv (transliterated from Ukrainian). Thank you for the words of encouragement and your faithful prayers.

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