Monday, July 12, 2010

WORD OF THE DAY - Monday 12 July 2010

He said to them, "How foolish you are, and how slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken! (Luke 24:25 NIV)

Тогда Он сказал им: о, несмысленные и медлительные сердцем, чтобы веровать всему, что предсказывали пророки! (От Луки 24:25 Russian)

Тоді Він сказав їм: О, безумні й запеклого серця, щоб повірити всьому, про що сповіщали Пророки! (Лука 24:25 Ukrainian)

Almighty God, our Dear Heavenly Father ~ We bring praises and thanksgiving from our hearts and lips on this new day that abounds with blessings from your loving hand. Give us stronger faith as we obey from our hearts the doctrine of Christ. Help us to overcome moments of doubt so that we will be more effective in directing lost souls to the Way of salvation. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.

Photo: We only had a few in worship yesterday, but that did not deter the joy of being together to worship God. As I was leading some songs, I noticed a person standing in the hall near our door listening to our worship. Hopefully, whoever this was will join us on their next visit to our upstairs meeting room. We made some more preparations for our visit today with the boys. This week we will be concentrating on our advertising for our upcoming Summer Children's Bible School. We will be posting flyers at prominent places and handing them out on the street when we see families with kids. We will concentrate on the area where the church was meeting last year on Frunze Street since that is where most of the children lived who came to our classes last year. Several of the children continued to attend our meetings after that Bible school. However, their parents did not encourage them, so they slowly drifted into other activities. We had parental permission for the children to attend, but that is not the same as encouragement. We always hope and pray that we will be able to meet some parents who will be interested in learning more about Jesus for themselves. Thank you for the prayers.

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