Sunday, September 19, 2010

WORD OF THE DAY - Sunday 19 September 2010 from Nikolaev, Ukraine

Our climb up the hill takes us past some productive walnut trees and this home is always decorated with beautiful flowers. This is a short-cut that Nikolai Tkhor, our dear departed brother in Christ, who is now sleeping in Jesus showed us on his last trip with us to the Boys Home where he was a founder and the first director. Thank you for your kind words of encouragement and most of all your prayers of faith.
After we left the Boys Home, that is far back in the distance of the photo, we negotiated past a pack of roaming dogs with Galina again saying, "I'll never walk by here again", we crossed the pontoon bridge as a car forced us to the side, and started up the long hill. The peninsula that once belonged to the Italian merchant back in the days when Russia's royalty ruled this area is very beautiful with the expansive river surrounding it. We were not able to attend the regatta yesterday that we were invited to, since our number one priority on Saturdays is the boys. Nevertheless, our hearts were filled with rejoicing as we made our way back up to the central area of the city.

As we were leaving the boys, we had a little private chat with Margarita to learn what the boys need for this upcoming season. She let us know that they need some pajamas because it is already cool at night and because of economic issues in Kiev, the government is going to be slow in firing off boilers that provide heat. We will take care of this matter right away with money that has been collected by friends at the Dalraida church in Montgomery.

All the boys participated in the scripture reading portion of our studies together. We were looking at Ephesians 5:8-20

We had an excellent time of studying the topic of personally responsibility with the boys yesterday. Igor commented that he knows he has a problem with self-control and wants to do better. Others said they also needed to improve in this area of life.

Dear friends, now we are children of God, and what we will be has not yet been made known. But we know that when he appears, we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is. (1 John 3:2 NIV)

Возлюбленные! мы теперь дети Божии; но еще не открылось, что будем. Знаем только, что, когда откроется, будем подобны Ему, потому что увидим Его, как Он есть. (1-e Иоанна 3:2 Russian)

Улюблені, ми тепер Божі діти, але ще не виявилось, що ми будемо. Та знаємо, що, коли з'явиться, то будем подібні до Нього, бо будемо бачити Його, як Він є. (1 Йоаново 3:2 Ukrainian)

Queridos hermanos, ahora somos hijos de Dios, pero todavía no se ha manifestado lo que habremos de ser. Sabemos, sin embargo, que cuando Cristo venga seremos semejantes a él, porque lo veremos tal como él es. (1 Juan 3:2 NVI)

Most Holy and Righteous God, our Merciful Father in Heaven ~ Thank you for the blessing of life as we now know it on this new Lord’s Day that is reserved for us to assemble with others who have this same precious faith. Give us wisdom as we study the word and diligently try to imitate the radiant purity of our Savior. Help us to more fully appreciate the magnificent future life that is ours as we remain faithful to Christ the Lord. In the name of Jesus we pray, Amen.

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