Wednesday, September 8, 2010

WORD OF THE DAY - Wednesday 08 September 2010 from Nikolaev, Ukraine

We took a long walk yesterday to inspect what we expect from our advertising agency. We found that they are working hard to get our message out in the city. We stumbled upon a beautiful Orthodox chapel. There are many such chapels around this area. Perhaps that is what prompted the man from Latvia to state that Ukraine must be the most religious country in Europe. Of course when we consider things deeper, we understand that many temples and chapels do not necessarily equate to faith. Yes, people of faith do often have a burning desire to erect structures that will honor God before the unbelieving world. Sometimes, people of faith will donate large sums of their money to such projects. Today, we will make arrangements to pick up the latest shipment of Bibles, books and literature that was shipped from Eastern European Missions (EEM) in Donetsk. We received a notice from Natasha that it should be here today. One year ago we received our first shipment from EEM and we are now in the middle of more diligent work to spread the gospel here in Nikolaev and God willing, have success in planting a Church of Christ in this city. Many people have chosen to donate millions of dollars to this great work of printing Bibles and other literature so that people can learn more about Jesus Christ and His glorious church for which He died. Since the very early 1990's, many of us missionary workers have been utilizing EEM's resources to help spread the gospel of Christ. Thank you for partnering with us in this huge task, and for your sincere and fervent prayers.

Katherine teaches music students who need to know more about solfeggio. It is not exactly fasola, but something akin to that on a more formal level. We have a second appointment with her today.

Yesterday we had our first student as the result of our current advertising campaign about our free English classes using the Bible and lessons produced by World English Institute - WEI. We spent some time getting acquainted with Katya who is a music teacher. The person who was scheduled for the first appointment did not appear. That happens as we all know.

And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth. (John 1:14 ESV)
И Слово стало плотию, и обитало с нами, полное благодати и истины; и мы видели славу Его, славу, как Единородного от Отца. (От Иоанна 1:14 Russian)
І Слово сталося тілом, і перебувало між нами, повне благодаті та правди, і ми бачили славу Його, славу як Однородженого від Отця. (Йоан 1:14 Ukrainian)
Y el Verbo se hizo hombre y habitó entre nosotros. Y hemos contemplado su gloria, la gloria que corresponde al Hijo unigénito del Padre, lleno de gracia y de verdad. (Juan 1:14 NVI Spanish)

Most Holy and Gracious God, our Dear Heavenly Father ~ Thank you for the valuable gift of life that has residence in our mortal bodies. Give us wisdom as we consider how much divine love was involved with God the Son becoming human so that he could experience death as we mere men. Give us courage so that we will boldly tell others about your grace and truth that is embodied in the doctrine of Christ our Lord. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.

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